Glad you got it out without any damage Jim. That might not have been simple "crud". It may have been some glue as a form of bedding as mentioned by Bruce. I have a rifle tang that was bedded by the builder and it is not coming out. It works fine and I think it is intended to distribute the recoil evenly around the entire mortise to help prevent a cracked stock. No need for it to be removed when it is sealed in like that anyway. I have heard some back and forth on this, and don't really have a dog in the fight. I have bedded and unbedded tangs in two of the same rifles and only time may tell. I could see where a good penetrating resin glue or epoxy could strengthen the wood grain at the back of the tang. And I don't see how it hurts anything, except the lockup is much more precise on the bedded rifle with no give when joining up the hooked breech. SW