tap o' cap from dixie?

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David Snellen

40 Cal.
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
I remember Dixie used to have a product for making your own caps. I THINK it was called Tap o' Cap. I looked online and didn't see them listed. Does anyone know if they are still available? What would you use to make it work (like a primer)?
They are made by Forester, and the last I knew they were still available, but, you may have trouble finding someone who has it in stock. Basically, it's a tool that forms the cup for a percussion cap out of the aluminum from beverage cans. The actual priming charge is added by putting one or more caps from a roll of caps that are used in a child's cap gun into the formed cup. They do work, but, they are tedious to make and not 100% dependable. In this day and age, you may also have trouble locating caps for a cap pistol. I have also heard of using match tips in lieu of the caps, but, I have not actually seen that done.

i'm looking in the 2009 catalog, p252-253, shooting supplies, percussion caps, and i don't see anything there.

just the s-o-s: cci, remington, rws german, then the section for cappers, powder measures, etc.

any suggestions for where else to look ?
I bought one some years ago. It works. As already noted, the caps are not as reliable as factory stuff but it's nice to know that you can make your own in a pinch.
Also as noted, the issue, if it is one is finding appropriate caps. The best caps are imported (from Europe? Asia?); they have more BP and are thus hotter. American made caps will work, though.
From just a few contacts that I have had
with tap o caps owners I would say save your
money. They are unreliable,at best.
Nice to know American caps will work :shocked2: I use almost exclusively
CCI mags and have never been disappointed,but
that is just me and MHO.
I got mine from Forester. You have to get the right caps for them to work good. I put 2-3 caps in mine. You have to check the nipple sometimes to make sure paper parts don't plug it up. I don't use for hunting. Dilly
My father played around with this back in the early 1960s.

YOu have to use some rubber cement( or any other glue that is not water based) to glue the caps in the cup, and you have to trim the paper away from the sides of the powder in the cap to fit properly in the caps. He used Aluminum cans, for his source of percussion cap material. He also tried steel cans. They work, but are much harder to cut and form than aluminum. Conversely, The Aluminum caps sometimes tear when formed, and also tend to stick to the nipple when fired. His best caps where made from some sheet brass he scrounged at work, altho the steel cans worked as advertised.

After finding out what worked with this, he stopped making his caps. He just could not justify the time involved in making them this way compared to buying an adequate supply at a gun show, or store, or on a trip to Friendship.

The time was most involved in trimming the paper from around the powder in the cap rolls. He did find a punch( a large diameter punch on his multi-holed leather punch, of all things) that would do this easier( and faster), but then putting the caps into the cups required a lot of concentration, and skill to get them down to the glue and situated just right.

He also found using more than one cap, and staggering them worked better. You just have to be very careful when you put the caps on the nipples, that you don't use too much force and fire off the cap on a loaded chamber! :shocked2:

Certainly the Tap-O-Cap is a useful tool and a necessary one if you plan to survive a major world crisis using a percussion rifle. I would not wait for the " event " whatever it is, to be making my caps, however. And, you probably could buy 10,000 caps and store them much cheaper than spending all the time and effort to make your own, and store cap gun caps( which are very hard to find anymore.)

Just my $ .02 worth of advice after working with Dad to make and try those caps( using an empty gun and just firing the caps off in the back yard.)
Save yourself the frustration. I tried the horrid thing a few years ago. No matter how many caps you put in it, it wouldn't fire reliably. Many misfires and hangfires. I tinkered around with it a lot, determined to find a combination that worked and never did find it. Even tried putting a pinch of powder in with the caps. There was a long thread a couple years back on THR and nobody who had tried it liked it.
I have found three things that have the most to do with these working.One Find the best and most powerful caps .Not so easy to do. American West and Super Bang work ok.Two You need the right nipple .The ones with a bigger flash hole work best. The knight red hot nipples have larger flash holes.After firing, the flash hole can become obstructed.This is easily cleared with a pick.Three A good strong hammer hit improves success. Two of my rifles have strong hammer hits and work good with the home caps. Two others I have don't like the home caps .They both have weaker hammer springs.
Only one question -- why would you want to? I would not like the greater possibility of a misfire at a critical time. And my time is a lot more valuable than the money I might save making my own rather than buying them from the store. :2
R.M. said:
I don't think it's a cost thing. It's more for when TSHTF.

Buy a flinter instead. You don't think those horribly explosive, very dangerous paper caps will be available when TSHTF, do you?
There is no critical time at the range or plinking.
I wouldn't use the home caps for deer hunting . I have used them at a BP match. They worked good .No misfires at 25 shots. I can't say that for some on the line. Over all its not worth the hassle to save .05cents a shot unless, you are a die hard do it yourself guy. Any left over role caps or rejected strips are real fun in the fire place.
Thank you all. I don't know what to do. I like the idea of having it, especially since I expect ammo/caps/powder to be HEAVILY taxed under the socialist. From the same perspective, how long will hard to find toy caps stay viable? There are certainly mixed reviews....
Not advocating this, but if one were intent on making percussion caps with no outside help, learning to produce the actual fulminate (old school stuff) would be first on the list. It's dangerous, but it can be done at home with minimal equipment and supplies. A drop of good fulminate and a little shellac inside a cap is the real thing. Better do it right, though. Or say goodbye to fingers.

The rest of the guys are right, though: if it's Mad Max time, you'd better already have ammo. Buy 'em now, and you might want to think CF. If it's Marxist-disarm-the-peasants time, you might want to read up on the sound detectors that are being installed all over the country. (They've already got them around here.) You'd be better off learning to hunt with a bow in that case.

Just my opinion. You don't have to agree. You're free to be wrong. :haha:
I'm guessing but CF sounds like it might mean Center Fire as in those new fangled brass tubes with bullets in them that a few people are using now. :grin:

Sound detectors are just that.
The cities locate these things all over the city and if they hear a loud sound like a gunshot they send the information to a central place like a Police station. There a computer calculates the location.

There are usually a lot of these placed all over the place and when several report the sound the computer can use the time lag between locations and the actual location of the detector to triangulate a very close location of where the sound came from.

Of course this sort of stuff has done absolutely nothing to reduce crime in any area where it has been installed but it can sure ruin your day if you stepped outside and fire a blank charge out of your muzzleloader.
Dang Zonie,
If they can't hear your shot, you send up a smoke signal too? :shocked2: :rotf: :rotf: