Tap O Cap

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32 Cal.
Feb 19, 2006
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what and where do I find the stuff to put in the cup to make it fire after using the tap of cap to make your own caps. I've heard the caps for the toy cap guns. ?? thanks mark
I think you need to look for toy caps made in the USA. I remember reading that foreign made caps don't have enough bang to ignite your powder charge.
Personally I don't think it's worth the trouble. You can get real percussion caps cheap enough.

I put two toy cap in mine,get them by the toy guns. I have a few of my collection that won't fire them. Most will. Dilly
i got some caps at the local toy store, and i must cinfess that i put three caps in each cup. i then left the revolver loaded and locked in a case for about a year. all six cylinders fired without a stutter, so i guess my experiment worked.

fwiw, i agree that making your own is a pain in the neck and probably not worth the time, but there may come a day when we're in a position where we have no choice. (insert political tirade here- jazz it up with foul language and vieled threats against various governmental officials, throw in a good dollop of plain old sedition, and you've got a well considered and strongly stated opinion, or a tirade, depending on your perpsective)
I have been doing the tap O cap thing for years. They do work. There are some hoops to jump through to have success. You can call me at 1 563 324 2581. If you would like to talk about it. Ned