With a properly fitted patch and same lube will one ball shoot better groups than the other? I will be testing later in the season. Just currious what others have found.
All depends on the rifle, take the time to work up a loadWith a properly fitted patch and same lube will one ball shoot better groups than the other? I will be testing later in the season. Just currious what others have found.
Do they use the same thickness of patch?I have 3 different 45 cal rifles, 2 prefer 440, the other likes 445.
YesDo they use the same thickness of patch?
It can mean that the muzzle is rough and loading is damaging the patch and final shredding is happening on the outbound trip.What does a shredded patch mean? (Round Ball)
You want the patch material to fill the grooves and grip the ball. You will see the imprint of the fabric weave on the ball if you pull it after loading where the lands in the bore compressed the patch.A lead ball will expand to fill the grooves.
Usually because the patch is too thin and not filling the grooves in the bore.Also if your patch is showing lots of burn and gas leak marks your group will also suffer.