I just got a TC Cherokee and it's a real beauty. Wow, it sure is a lot lighter than my Renegade with the Green Mountain .32 barrel. But, I'm not complaining about the GM accuracy. The thing about the Cherokee is that I took it out for a test drive and it no joke has a trigger pull of about 12 to 14 pounds. This rifle has a single trigger. Don't know if there are any other configurations. I managed a one inch four shot group at 50 yards with 25 grains of FFF Goex and a .310 ball, but it's no telling what the little rifle would do if the trigger would give it half a chance. My question is, can a nice double trigger be fitted to this rifle? If so, what is the recommendation. I'm not much on changing things, especially when it comes to rifles that aren't being made anymore and so forth, but this is not useful the way it is. I don't think I would have that same success in the field as I did off the bench with that trigger. Also, as a side note. The cup around the nipple has a razor sharp edge on it that I would be proud to have on any of my knives. And I'm sporting a nice gash on my right thumb to prove it. Now, that I know it's there it's not so much of a problem, but it did make for a painful surprise.
Thanks for any ideas.
Thanks for any ideas.