TC Maxi-Lube for Conicals

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May 15, 2003
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Anyone ever use this...TC's original Maxi-Lube for conicals...thicker than Natural Lube 1000, it clings to the conical better.

I used to use it, then I switched to R/B. It worked fine when I used it. In cold weather it will be stiff to work with. :v
I also used to use it. With my first ML, a T/C Hawken, .50 caliber. I used it as a patch lube for .490 round balls. Back then I don't remember pre lubed patches being available, or Natural Lube 1000. Is this being re-introduced by T/C?
Landngroove said:
Is this being re-introduced by T/C?

Don't know...I just stumbled across a case of the tubes.

I do occasionally shoot one particular conical because I like it and it's so accurate...TC's .45cal/255grn Maxi-Hunter...and have a lot of boxes of them unlubed.

I've lubed some with the screw-on luber attachment using a tube of NL1000...that works great, but the NL1000 is pretty messy in warm to moderate weather...hoping this original "Maxi-Lube" would work even better since it was thicker and made for the purpose.
Maxi-lube is what I used for years for patches and Maxi-ball loads. Worked great. Don't know if what you have is the same formula. I hope this a reintro. of the same.
I think the reason T/C discontinued Maxi-Lube, is that they went with the non petrolium, "seasoning" with the Natural Lube 1000. Maxi-Lube contained petrolium, therefore no "seasoning". Maxi-Lube always worked good for me.