TC Renegade upgrade

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Zonie said:

I'm squinting and looking, but except that he needs to adjust his sights for elevation, I can't see much wrong with what that poor T/C lock and poorer T/C barrel is doing.
I guess all of the shots should have gone thru one hole? Come to think about it, they did :grin:, even if the hole is a little over an inch in diameter. :)

That's how I sight in for hunting too. About 2 1/2 in high at 50 yds gets me near dead on for elevation at 100 yds. I've got 2 renegades with GM barrels. No complaints with the locks on either but I do prefer the Davis trigger I put in one of them. Will be buying another trigger for the other one. As far as a hunting gun I don't think a $800 PC (politically correct) gun will do any better. I brought the stock assys used barrels and trigger from Track of Wolf. I've got $300 into the one with both the new barrel/trigger. $200 into the one with just the barrel.
You can buy an inline for less than $100.00 bucks that will shoot even smaller groups if historical accuracy isn't important.

this is a Quoate from The Hawken Shop.

Hawken Facts:

There are a multitude of sizes and styles of "Hawken" rifles - almost as varied as the men who carried them Therefore, when we talk about "Hawken” rifles in this catalog we are referring specifically to the "Classic" half stock, iron mounted, big bore, "Plains" rifle.

When I look at their example number 7 of a S. Hawken Saint Louis Missouri 50cal. with one wedge pin stock and 30" barrel and I look at my T/C Hawken it looks close enough for me.

I have noticed that some of the people around here don't like the name Hawken attached to anything but what is considered the Classic Hawken Plains Rifle.

Now I need to get the Iron mounting kit and the Original Hawken patchbox and I will be set.


renegade 100 yds off hand..dang junk gun
maybe some day I'll try off the bench.

oh yea, why a 50.00 saddle on a 50.00 horse? yer butt don't hurt.

That's mighty fine shooting, much better than I can do.

I hope you didn't misinterpret my post. I was agreeing with the Texan. I'm all for customizing a T/C Renegade or Hawken. Some day when I win the Lottery maby I will be able to afford a Custom Rifle, but you can be sure, PC or not, it will not have a rusty finish on the metal parts.

Swampman said:
A 2005 Ford Mustang.

And Steve McQueen's rolling in his grave! Oh the horror! Why not at REAL MUSTANG? Could've had a nice GT 390 for the price of the new junker you which can't even tune properly without a COMPUTER!
Mad Professor said:
Swampman said:
A 2005 Ford Mustang.

And Steve McQueen's rolling in his grave! Oh the horror! Why not at REAL MUSTANG? Could've had a nice GT 390 for the price of the new junker you which can't even tune properly without a COMPUTER!

AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!
I guess I see both sides of this debate. I have reworked a couple of T/C's and Lymans and greatlly improved their appearance without spending any money. It is amazing how sliming down the pot bellied forstock and planing the underside of the butt from pot bellied to slightly concave gives the rifle a whole different look. But that only costs a bit of time and not a lot of that.
On the other hand; to replace lock stock and barrel and all hardware, well why bother. Apparently lots of people do, else Pecatonica would not sell stocks, Green Mountain would not sell drop in barrels, L&R would not sell replacement locks and others would not sell all of that hardware. In that case, if you're going the "full Monty" I would agree with Swampman that the time and money could be better spent on a nice kit. :v
Liver Eatin Johnson,Keep us posted on your progress.I have an extra renegade that I want to redo also. I will be ordering a stock from Petonica in about a week,I think I will go with a 40 cal barrel.I have a bunch of 50 cals and such but dont have the 40.Good Luck :hatsoff:
I also what you want to do.

I've bought / refinished / reconfigured several older style TC Hawkens into Flintlocks because I wanted to...didn't spend a lot of money, didn't take a lot of time, the results of the refinished above average looking stocks is outstanding, the accuracy of the completed rifles is outstanding, and they've proven their reliability in bringing home the venison.....don't understand the occasional declaration that "we should have bought & built a kit instead"...

Let us know how your refinishing turns out

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