Terry C. Johnston

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I am just finishing "Buffalo Palace" and really hate to reach the end of each book. The prequels have made me appreciate the original trilogy even more, so once I finish the series I'll do like everyone else and start over again. I did a Google search on Terry and came across this site. It would have been an amazing experience to have gone on a historical tour with him.
[url] http://www.imt.net/~tjohnston/historical_tours.htm[/url]
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Yankee Thunder said:
I wanted to know if anyone else enjoyed the late
Mr. Johnston's series about the mountain men. I finally finished the last book in the series, the "Scratch" books always seem to read well in the deer stand.
Yepper,I love them books.I sorta screwed up though by reading "One Eyed Dream" first. :redface: