Just thought I would thank the Texas Free Trappers for inviting me to a rendevous and making me feel at home - especially Joe "Grey Wolf" Wolf and Glen "Iron Burner" Darilek. The rendevous was this weekend and although small I felt it was a high quality event - the trail walk was one of the most enjoyable and challenging I have seen in a long time - it had targets all the way from easy to difficult and nothing was the same. I especially liked the flying turkey and the split the ball and straw cut targets. The potluck was great - food was delicious and the council fire with native dancers was entertaining and educational. I really liked that they had two separate events for smoothbores/fusils along with rifle, pistol, archery and knife and hawk
In short this was a great event and I truly enjoyed standing up with the rifle shooters and giving a good account of myself with my smoothbore. :thumbsup:
In short this was a great event and I truly enjoyed standing up with the rifle shooters and giving a good account of myself with my smoothbore. :thumbsup: