Texas Free Trappers Rendevous

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50 Cal.
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Just thought I would thank the Texas Free Trappers for inviting me to a rendevous and making me feel at home - especially Joe "Grey Wolf" Wolf and Glen "Iron Burner" Darilek. The rendevous was this weekend and although small I felt it was a high quality event - the trail walk was one of the most enjoyable and challenging I have seen in a long time - it had targets all the way from easy to difficult and nothing was the same. I especially liked the flying turkey and the split the ball and straw cut targets. The potluck was great - food was delicious and the council fire with native dancers was entertaining and educational. I really liked that they had two separate events for smoothbores/fusils along with rifle, pistol, archery and knife and hawk

In short this was a great event and I truly enjoyed standing up with the rifle shooters and giving a good account of myself with my smoothbore. :thumbsup:

It was a great little Rondy. Didn't know you were there so our paths crossed and didn't meet. I liked the flying turkey and the split the ball target also. The whole setup was interesting and they plan to have 4 Vous a year on the site. I expect it will get better and better. I was a non shooter this time but it sure made the trigger finger twitch just walking around.
Joe Wolf it was a great weekend. I plan to be back with bells on.
Fox :thumbsup:
Oh, I am sure you met me - I was the only guy there wearing a tricorn hat. :thumbsup:
Thanks for coming, gents, and for the kind words. We bust our chops trying to put on rendezvous that have the feel of the originals.

To the rest of you buckskinners in the area, give us a try and see if you don't agree that we are on the right track. It was my 18th rendezvous to booshwah.

The Fritztown Free Trappers Rendezvous will be on the same site on the second weekend of October.

Keep an eye on the horizon.

Grey Wolf