I took off this morning with the camera and put on just over 200 miles on logging roads up here in northwestern Ontario looking for critters . I managed to spot 7 black bears and 2 moose . Wasn't fast enough to get pics of the moose but got some pretty good bear pics . Heavy denim jeans along with a thick shirt with the cuffs buttoned and a baseball cap . Every area of exposed flesh was soaked in Deet and i still managed to get chewed up . The blackflies and mosquitos were so thick that they were getting in my eyes when i was setting up for a shot and i had to breathe with my mouth closed or i'd inhale bugs . 95 degrees today so i had to keep spraying the deet on as i sweat it off . I recall reading that the voyageurs/cour de bois used to boil spruce sap and mix it with ash and then smear it on exposed areas and let it harden so the bugs couldn't bite through . Must have been awefull having that stuff hardened behind your ears , in your ears , on your face and around your neck for months on end . I also read that on top of the spruce gum/ash mixture they'd apply mud and let it harden . Don't know what the bugs are like on the great plains or the Rocky mountains but in the summer in Northwestern Ontario or up in the Northwest Territories the bugs could kill you in a day if you went unprotected . I've seen hunters with hands so badly swollen from bug bites that they couldn't pull the trigger . Imagine those poor guys in days before Deet .