I had thought about carrying a sidearm myself, but it is illegal in Ohio to do so, while hunting unless it is the gun season you can carry it in. Besides, I know my own temper to well and I don't want to alter my freedom. But, I do carry a cell phone and all the numbers I need are in the cell phone. I am NOT afraid to use it and there are some who now know I am not afraid to use it.
ATV's have upset me, since I am a dirtbiker. I know many don't like dirtbikes either and that doesn't bother me as my friends and I know when it is OK to be in the woods because of the hunting seasons and now when to be in the woods.All of my friends and I are also hunters. Besides, if you are not chasing game, they don't react to the dirtbike anyhow. They will look up and then watch you go by. But, the ATV's also seem to go where ever they want when ever they want and that includes the snowmobiles. They seem to think when the ground is white, it is all theirs to run on. The ATV crowd, loves their front and rear luggage racks. It is perfect to carry a case of beer in a cooler and then throw the empties on the ground and not put their trash back in the cooler. As a dirtbiker, we have lost allot of ground from these slobs, just as hunters have lost ground because of slob hunters.
I am reminded of this true story of a guy I knew well, who was hunting south eastern Ohio on his own ground. He lived though about 3hrs. away, but he and friends had bought this ground to hunt on. He had shot a deer and it didn't drop in sight. So he waited for an hour and then took up the blood trail. He was doing good, keeping on the trail and soon he sees the deer is down and dead up ahead. He gets there and lays his gun down and starts to fill out the license. Just then a guy runs up with a very obnoxious attitude, wants to know why my friend is tagging the deer! My friend says he shot it and he blood trailed it to here and if he wanted to follow the blood trail to where he shot it, he was welcome to it. The other guy said no, "I shot that deer", he said! My friend again started to tell his story when this guy then runs up to the very dead deer and shoots it again. Then he trained his gun on my friend and said, are you calling me a liar! You just saw me shoot that deer! My friend walked out of there and never looked back.
Other than trespassers I have never had a problems like this except during the deer gun season.I am though an avid bowhunter. It gets where I dislike any deer gun season with a passion! All the slobs think that buying a deer tag, gives them the authority to go anywhere and anytime to fill their tag. Most are not really hunters at all, but it is a week to get off work and drink beer with their "friends".
Oh yes about driving off-road. Lets' not forget the other off-road vehicles like Jeeps, Blazers, Broncos, etc. When I hunted for 2 yrs. in Colorado, that is all you saw! Cruising around from before shooting time to well after dark. If you wanted to get into the game, you had best take a hike and get far away from the road. Because of my experience there, I am proud to say, I don't need to ever go back. Way to many sissies driving and drinking looking for elk. At least during the rifle seasons.