The Dark side of Hunting

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I have not had and issue but my Uncle Paulie did and like to tell the story.
He and friends (7 all together) had gone to his hunting cabin as they did for many years. They were all sitting around the night before deer season opened shooting the breeze. Then they heard a gunshot followed by a truck a short while latter. My Uncle Paulie hated poachers and this was long before cell phones. They all grabbed lights and guns went looking for the poacher, as my other uncle went for the law. Short version was they saw a pick up truck tear out with 3 miscreants in it and horns peeking out and found where they gutted and loaded the deer. My cousin Michael said “That was a Ford”

Another said “Look at the drag it was a big buck.”

My Uncle Paulie said “They killed it with a 30-06”

His friend Reggie who we called Uncle R. lived to disagree with him said “No I do believe that sounded like a 7mm magnum.”

My Uncle Paulie in usual accommodating way said “They may have one of those too but they left the 30-06 over here.”

I hope the law caught up with the owner of that rifle because they I am sure they had a story to tell as well. :grin:
When I was young and stupid some friends and I used to look for those guys and discourage them from growing lol....
When we used to encounter tresspassers on my buddies land we use to give them this line. "where did you come on to the property line at?" "Didn't you see that guy in the tree stand?" That's my uncle Bill."Man you sure are lucky, he shoots at anything that moves! He doesn't miss either!! We always holler like crazy before we go near there. We think he has flashbacks or something! Could be his medication! Unless you know him or exactly where he is, I would get my butt back over on to the public land !
From some of the stories you folks tell I would of shot someone. In Texas it's illegal to carry a sidearm unless you have a concealed license which makes me legal. Knock on wood I've never had a problem at all other then the folks that like to feed on public land which illegal where we hunt.

You folks just got to be crazier then the crazies! :grin: At our hunting camp we have a hoot scaring the feeders that camp near us. One of our party is a Vietnam vet sniper that has the shrapnel scares to prove it. Sometimes he gets a distant look in his eye and isn't responsive. Mentions of flashbacks have been passed around and those feeders stay well away from where he is hunting.

I'm about 6'4" 280, built for football, bald, and don't smile much unless I know you. Don't ask me why strangers just make me nervous and annoyed. One of the feeders one night was trying to tease me in good fun, but I don't know him to well so I didn't laugh. My buddy walks over to him and whispers in his ear that I'm one of those cage fighters. The guy screams "Oh lowrd why didn't you tell me!" I had no idea what my buddy had told him and wondered why he ran off so fast. He still believes that's what I do to this day.

Then you have my buddy which likes to joke around about being gay. One of the feeders decided to turkey hunt with us since none of his buddies turkey hunt. Well when it was time to turn in my buddy walks over to his bed and tosses a rolled up pair wool socks on it. The feeder asks what that was for and my buddy tells him it's so nobody will hear him scream when the lights go out. The feeder took him serious and suddenly had a "family emergency" and left that night.

Then you have my other buddy which is like watching a knuckle dragging bigfoot walking through the woods. He isn't real bright. You also have the police officer buddy of mine that likes to walk around camp with a manniquins head with a face shroud on it under his arm talking to it. That got real interesting when some game wardens came up to camp one night to check out hunting licenses considering he's law enforcement also haha.

I don't go up for hunting so much as the characters I hunt with haha.
About 2001 and deer season had just ended so I felt safe enough to let my old lab go for a walk with me. We had started out and was passing through a small but thick pine thicket when I heard the shots. About 30 yards down the trail layed my pet. I started after the two brave men but had to stop when one brought his rifle up. Any other time I would have had a sidearm on me, don't know why I did'nt this time, but I guess it was for the best. Damn long walk home to have to tell my wife what happened. Took a atv back to bring my pet home. Like loseing a family member. Kinda changed my out look on hunting, I still go and have took my largest buck since then but most days I'm content just to find a quite place and explore the woods.
Luckily, I haven't had too much issue at this point, a tresspasser now and then, we confiscate his stand when he leaves.

A friend of mine had leased an island down south for turkey hunting and one day was on the island and ran across another guy hunting. They were both decked out in full camo w/headnets and my buddy mentioned that he had the lease on the island and that the guy needed to pack up and move on. the guy told him he had come a long way and he would finish hunting the day out anyways and gave him some posturing.

My buddy didn't want a gun fight, so they parted ways. He said he got madder and madder and as he was leaving he spied the guys' boat against the bank on the island. He said there was an old snag about 40 yards out into the rivr waving in the current, so he pulled his boat out there and tied it to the snag. Must have been a cold swim for the tresspasser he said. :)
Swampy said:
I thought I'd start this thread after a conversation last night that led down bad memory lane. As many of you know I am a paraplegic and need wheels to get around. Being a very determined individual, I never let it get in the way of hunting and have used various ATV type vehicles to get me into and out of trouble err I mean hunting areas. Much of the time I hunt alone. Kind of scary today when I think way back and remember getting up at 3:30 am on a cold morning, bundling up and driving 2 miles down a dirt road, crossing over a highway and driving another 1/4 mile just to check into State property and then drive to an area to sit and hunt. Almost every day...god I remember some cold mornings wondering why the hell I left a nice warm bed to do this...but thats who I was and in some ways still am. Through the years I have met along the way a cast of characters, most were polite and helpful. Most were quite surprised to see someone like me doing what I was doing which led to some interesting conversations. Unfortunately when dealing with people, theres always going to be a bad apple or two in the bunch and I've sadly ran into a couple of those myself along the way. I had two individuals take advantage of the fact I could not walk and try to steal animals from me, both big bucks causing them to suffer from antleritis. It still makes me physically ill to go back there and remember the BS I was put through in both cases. One clearly did not care about the friendship I thought we had forged together. The only other bad moment I had was being setup on a piece of property that only I had permission to be on and right at first light I saw a nice buck coming through the laurel which would put him in a logging road broadside to me at 35 yards with four or five more steps. As I brought my gun up and readied myself something caught my left eye and I turned to see a kid who was told to stay off the property by the owner standing at a dangerous angle to my left. I held my gun up and motioned him to get back as the buck walked out into the road, perfect shot but I wouldn't shoot and could only sit there in disbelief. Next thing I knew POW! A load of buckshot was thrown in my direction, slapping all around me so close one or two pellets sent dirt flying into my CATV! I watched in shock as the buck stumbled stayed on his feet and ran off. I don't think I ever was as scared and shook as bad ever as I did that day. I went home that day and never went back to that piece of property ever again. So, over the years I've had 3 bad encounters while hunting. How about you?
Dang Swampy you need a redneck buddy like me to hunt with I don't put up with :bull: damn near brought tears to my eyes reading this.
we got a lot of urban hunters coming here from Denver every year, it's the same thing in your face pissed off fourwheelers blowing by you when you are trying to stalk game(if I end up hunting low)
Lots of new hunters who were not taught right.
I'd have given anything to to be able to go out there and join ya Gman. Maybe in another lifetime we can meet up out there....

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