The Largest Caliber Muzzleloader?

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I reckon ol' Davy Crockett ... my hero ... wuz man enuff! :front:

I made a 1.00" smoothbore out of seamless tubing. It is not a piece of junk but a well made gun. It is a caplock. I tapered the barrel on my big lathe. The breeching and hooked breech are well done. The lock had to be handmade as were most of the mechanicals. I did use a Sorbathane pad.

It weighs 17# and has a 34" barrel. Using a .990 round ball, charges up to about 275 grain of 2F won't hurt you. Above that things get wild pretty fast. I once shot a 350 grain charge. That wacked me harder than I would choose to do again. My glasses came off my face and I got my bell rung pretty good. It is a great converstion piece. Hope to shoot a wild hog with it some day.

4-bore is past the point of diminishing returns. The velocity gets too low to be practical. I would not make anything bigger than 10-gauge in the future.
I :agree: we need pics of that puppy... Gee can I try it... I always said what good is it if it don't hit yea back a bit... OUCH!!! :cry: best to yea...
Loyalist Dawg :hatsoff:
:crackup: WOW are you looking to make bacon out of the hog with that there beast!!! Gee want to see that also...
Best regards Loyalist Dawg...
PS Damn no wonder we lost the rev war YOU guys are crazy :kid: :hatsoff: Best to yea, and could we see some pics of this beast :applause: It sounds toooooooooooo cool... :thumbsup:
I believe Sir Samual Baker used a 2bore Rifle in his expeditions in Africa, He also used a 4bore double, Squire Robin may be able to help me out here as Baker was a Brit, Anyway he wrote a book and in it he said he would set back to back with his tracker and at the shot it would spin them both compleatly around and give him (Baker) a headache the rest of the day. It shot either a 1/2 Lb. Ball or a hollowed ball charged with powder and fused. Baker said that Pachaderms when hit with the charged ball would stand for a few seconds then puff up and fall dead. Modern bullet designers still don,t get that kind of performance!
there was a great website I found once about a canadian guy who built a 4-bore double (B/L not M/L).
I think he went on a 6 month training program before he went on safari so that
1) he could fire the thing without falling over
2) he could carry the thing all day up hill and down dale
4 bore 4 schmore....

I want to know what is the largest caliber muzzleloading gun that was shouldered

How's this?... it meets the requirements!

That has a 2 1/2 inch bore to fire cast iron grenades. I think I read where some had 3" bores as well.

4 bore 4 schmore....

I want to know what is the largest caliber muzzleloading gun that was shouldered

How's this?... it meets the requirements!

That has a 2 1/2 inch bore to fire cast iron grenades. I think I read where some had 3" bores as well.


Dang! Talk about "sawed-off" ! :eek: Can you imagine a double barreled one of thim things! ::

currently I am going to purchase one of those 2 bore oregon rifle barrels for $500.00 ans incorporate it in a underhammer design.. does this quallify as big bore????? :thanks:
My apologies, there must have been a forum glitch or something as this showed up in the New Posts section. I didn't realize it was a old thread until too late.

You can still buy 4 and 8 bore guns or make them or have them made for you. But the .75 to .83 caliber guns are easier to get. I have a large bore wall gun too. But you won't be shouldering it though. way too big and heavy.
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