The Mountain Men

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just mark said:
i just this morning found that "the mountain men" has been added to the watch instantly function on netflix.

very interesting, cause as recently as a week ago it wasn't on there, i know cause i tried it. i just in these past few days got interested in this black powder again, then this very "inspirational" movie pops up. is Somebody trying to tell me something?

Just noticed that as well. Netflix seems to add and remove movies to their streaming lineup on Tuesdays, same day new release movies are out in stores.

Will be watching it later today or tomorrow after work.
i AM jumped back in! i went to rendevous today and smelled that powder burn and talked to very friendly people who wanted me to see all their gear - it's like a song by celine dion: "it's all coming back to me now..."

i've got to work up a scheme to get me a gun (i'm going smoothbore to start out) and an outfit. i live right next to the kentucky river, so i'm looking into a canoe.

the thing i hope that i can get into (major in) is leather making. buckskin is the currency of this pursuit, it seems to me, and there are untold numbers of deer roadkilled here within 5 miles of where i live. they generally lay on the side of the road and rot for a couple of days, then the county hauls them to a dump. i'm going to try to put some of that wasted hide to use.

my 20 yr old son went with me and he's gung-ho to get into this. we'll see how his enthusiasum plays out in a pile of deer guts...
August West said:
I own the movie and love it, I don't know why, it is one of the worst movies ever made. :youcrazy: Chris
I agree. It is a horrible movie but I love it too. The characters are so likeable. There are precious few fictional characters I think it would be cool to hang out with if they were real-Billy Tyler, Henry Frapp and Augustus McCrae are the ones that immediatley come to mind
i like the scene when the two young girl came into the tipi and the conversation with Henry and Bill finished squarely.... :grin:
and iron belly turned back to important things of his life ... instead of talking about beavers.. :wink: