buckknife said:
The water we use to clean and in say our moosemilk.Would it be better to use distilled water with a ph of 7 which is netural in acid.What happens if it lens toward the alkiline side with a ph of 10 or so.
I use well water which has nuthin added like clorine or what ever,but i wonder if it has a ph that is less than 7,like a 4 ot 5 like acid rain.
No i dont drink it :haha:
Is there a chemist in the house who could explain some of this and would distilled water be better if you have no idea what the ph levels are in the water?I found out most alcohols have a ph of 6,could that patch i run down the bore help dry it or remove lube before shooting attually promote rust?
Yea I'm a chemist (pH D), teach at a college.
The water will depend on both whats dissolved in it and the pH. Salts are corrosive, chlorine's an oxidizing agent (pure clorox will eat through stainless steel), and low pH promotes iron oxidation (rust).
Rain water may have corrosives in it, (e.g. nitic and sulfuric acids) acid rain has been measured lower pH than vinegar, but this will vary, in theory it's been distilled by mother nature it's just a matter of what man has added upwind of you.
Slightly alkaline/basic water may inhibit rust. Adding soaps (salts of fatty acids) will make things slightly basic, lye (sodium/potassium hydroxide) strongly basic. Strong bases are corrosives.
That being said, is better to clean than not clean even with the stuff Swampman has tried above! For instance coffee contains caffine an alkoloid making it weakly alkaline, might inhibit rust? Clean creekwater in most cases is quite benign , unless there's a lot of minerals dissolved, avoid mineshaft runoffs though, quite acidic.
If you use alcohols isopropanol (dry gas is 100% don't use the drugstore stuff, 29-9% water) is prefered to methanol ("cheap" dry gas) as methanol is surprisingly acidic. This goes for dry gas in your cars too, do you enjoy rebuilding carbs/injectors/pumps and replacing gas line? Most of the ethanol (the stuff you can drink, "grain" alcohol) is 95% with the rest water so you're still left with water, although it's not as acidic as methanol. Has the benifit that you can take a sip when done cleaning :grin:
CAUTION: they "denature" ethanol with stuff like benzene to prevent comsumption if the vendor has not paid uncle Sam his take; know you're source!