Just wondering if moonshine was used for gun cleaning in the 19th century,,,,
after it was filtered by the kidneys.
because i am a person of fatal inquisitive nature, I have tried most of the above methods.
because i am a person of fatal laziness i have settled on this method.
a coffee can full of windex. a hole in the lid. a tube through the hole in the lid.
a magnet with a slip male fitting on the back. tube from the coffee can attached to the magnet.
because 99.9% of the time i shoot flint locks, the lock removed from the stock and the magnet attached to the barrel centered over the vent.
on the business end of the barrel i use a 2.5x2.5 inch patch that goes on an jag that is attached to a stainless range rod.
after two strokes the pump action fills the barrel with windex. I then pump 3 times and after the third pump, i withdraw the rod and discard the black patch and apply another patch. three strokes and remove that gray patch and apply a new patch. three more strokes and withdraw the white patch.
detach the magnet from the vent and wipe the fouling from around the vent.
then i put the supply tube in a quart of 99% alcohol. apply a new patch and pump the bore full of alcohol. remove the magnet dohicky from the vent and use a new patch saturated with ballistol, and swab the bore with that.
i use a spray bottle of windex to clean the lock. the fouling in the pan and on the frizzen stem just dissolves and is washed a way. spray the lock with alcohol and wait until its dry. dribble a few drops of ballistol on the moving parts and reassemble. just my current method.
Boy! wish they would pay me by the word!!