The story of Ben Franklin and his whistle has two different conclusions. If you do not remember the story it goes: When Ben Franklin was a boy he got ten cents for his birthday as he was on his way to the store to buy something he saw another boy with a tin whistle, he wanted the whistle so he paid the boy his ten cents for the whistle and went home happy until his older brother told him he could have bought three tin whistles at the store for his dime. His moral of the story was not to pay too much for your whistle. My version is that he was happy with his purchase until some one told him he had paid too much . So if you are happy with your purchase it doesn't matter what other people think about what you paid. While I paid only two hundred for my flintlock T.C. they were not considered valuable in our area once in lines were available. Now people are realizing they have a place in our sport.