Great info, thank you.
Dave, A quality lock after your skills is always a pleasure to behold.Hi,
Chambers locks are what I buy most if I am not making the lock from castings. IMO their late Ketland and round-faced English locks are the best of the line. The early Ketland is fine too but it is essentially the same internally as the round-faced English lock. Their Colonial Virginia lock is almost identical to the round-faced English lock except it has no border or raised pan. The standard Siler lock is OK but not the best. That is not because of any manufacturing issue but the design of the lock. Chambers improved it a lot by making the flint cock and frizzen taller on their Golden Age Siler and Deluxe Siler locks. Here is my best performing lock, a Chambers round-faced English lock. It successfully fired the rifle 671 times without a misfire using up only 10 flints.
Here are sparks produced using a rounded piece of quartz from my driveway.
I am going to wait for my Pedersoli lock to come back from Brad Emig and see how it shoots. If not much different (due to the quality of lock no reflection on Brad) I will order a Chambers lock.
I want to agree with this just based on how "not right" most production locks, and lock panels, look to my eye. However I have two questions.Are you planning to use a Chambers lock to, possibly, replace the Pedersoli lock? I seriously doubt if the Chambers lock will fit any production lock mortice. That said, IMHO, if Brad is working on your lock, it will come back as good as any lock made.
The Early Ketland lock works well, as all the Chambers locks do. I have never had a problem with the hundred Chambers locks or so I’ve used that wasn’t my fault. You can’t beat Chambers warranty. On the other hand I’ve never had a problem with Kiblers locks either, albeit a much smaller experience base. Both Chambers and Kibler are super to deal with. The choice really depends on the style of gun your building. As far as I’m concerned. BJHThoughts on these? Looking at early Ketland style lock.
Who’s using Chambers locks?