You will note the horses got better after a police of bear fat and snake root, things that would have no effect on the snake bite. The slave who one his freedom with his cure most likly had some sort of poultice given to some one who didn't die of his bite.
You may note nobody died in these reports. Yet the fear of snakes was in exsitance . We have it as part of our genes. I'm not afraid of snakes, but all my attention is focused on one when its around. Evolutionary economics, what Barker called the evolutionary diner, would argue that snakes were pobibly a lower population back then. Reptiles can't compete with mammels unless the environment gives them an edge. 100 pounds of mammal needs enough food to support 1000 lbs of reptile. Europeans killing off foxes badgers wolfs and bob cats, reducing woods to wood lots and farm land decrease small prey, made it the perfect environment for snakes.
Seeing one rattled headed copper mouth in your camp or work site was akin to being surrounded and you survived just by the grace of God. In the event you were bit you survived due to the healing abilities of chewed tobacco mixed with opossum fat mixed during the dark of the moon by a 15 year old virgin with a widows peak.
I have an unusual build up of ear wax, as my father and his before him. I have to wash my ears often or my wife stats complaining that the tv is too loud. However wax in the ears saves you from Siriens. You don't believe it, well I'm 58 and ain't never been captured by a Sirien.