Took a noobie to the range...

Muzzleloading Forum

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Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
Pflugerville, TX
Took a noobie to the range this weekend to show him the tricks behind his new Uberti 51 Navy. His main issue was awkwardness in using the powder flask. I showed him how to hold his finger over the spout, invert it, press and release the spring, reinvert it, and check to make sure the spout was full. He did the first cylinder correctly, and it fired without a hitch. Even got a decent 2 inch group at 10 yds. The 2nd cylinder, I let him do by himself, without really micromanaging him. I should have! One cylinder, he double charged. You wouldn't think that would be a problem, but the ball only went half way in, so the cylinder couldn't rotate. He looks at me and says, "What do we do?" I showed him how to disassemble it, remove the nipple, and dump enough powder so the ball would seat properly. After loading the rest of the cylinders, you could see another one of the cylinders was light charged. I asked if he remembered to check if the spout was full each time, and he said "No. There sure are a lot of things to remember. I guess that's why the army makes you drill." I told him we'll set the short load to go last, just in case it was a squib. Again, all cylinders fired, but you could definitely tell the one light and one heavy load. Still, 4 shots were within 1 inch of each other, and the 2 flyers were at most 2 inches off. And we know the reason for those. Still, a lot of fun and makes me want to get mine out of the safe again. I hope he remembers my suggestions for cleaning it, but he got some good lessons on proper loading and how to fix problems
Good for you...and him!

I guess we all were noobies. I had no one but books and years later, this forum.
Yes indeedy, When I started there was no internet only paper. Since then I've helped several folks get the hang of muzzleloading. I own my range so I have the time to get them up to speed even if it takes more than one outing.
Inevitably there will be at least one potential newbee at a shooting range. Stop , share info , never know when a new victim will go down the black powder rabbit hole. :thumb:

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