TOTW Jaeger rifle

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50 Cal.
Oct 17, 2004
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Has anybody had experience with these?

My particular query is, I was looking at giving it an even earlier look by substituting a round-faced cock and maybe rounding the edges of the lockplate. Having limited experience, I prefer not to inlet a round-faced lock from scratch.


Thoughts and suggestions welcome!
This lock has enought extra thickness to it to do a lot of filing. Probably you can turn it into a round face without substituting the cock.

The mixture of round lockplate & cock with a flat pan was not uncommon.

THe TOW Jaeger kit has a preinlet stock, so changing the lock is not an option as I don't know how you would cover the inlet with a rounded off lockplate..
According to my catalogue (#16):
We offer our precision pre-inlet jager stock without the lock mortise. Our "Christian Springs" lock, or "Early 1750" lock, or "Chambers Fowler" lock are good choices.
E-mail TOTW with your questions, they can answer yer questions, since it apears you want to get one of their kits. They're more than helpfull and friendly Bill
They have changed it then. Years ago it came with a L&R Jaeger & that was it. I would opt for a Chambers or a Davis lock on it.
"Having limited experience, I prefer not to inlet a round-faced lock from scratch."

Must be some mental block, but I can't think of a reason why inleting a round-faced lock would be any different that inleting a flat faced lock.

The round face locks I've seen didn't have sharp edges, they just didn't have the chamfer where the face meets the edge.

What am I missing?

Zonie, must be one of those things like picken' up a lizard. They don't bother me, but my wife sets a new 100 yard dash record every time! :crackup: :crackup:
Must be some mental block, but I can't think of a reason why inleting a round-faced lock would be any different that inleting a flat faced lock.

I wanted to know if i could use the pre inlet TOTW jaeger stock, but file the edge of the lockplate into a curve and substitute a round faced cock off a different lock.

My other option would be to buy the TOTW jaeger stock with no lock inlet, and install a round faced lock from scratch.
I would be concerned of whether the lock panels will look right on the precarve. I suggest asking them (TOW) for their advice on this as they can lay the lock of your choice on the precarve & determine if it will look correct. I
In other words, the panels may be too short or cut down to thin for the lock you want to use......... if they are larger you are OK as you can cut them down, but adding wood to a panel is not a keen thought. (IMHO)
To be real honest, you'd be far better off starting with a blank. That jeager kit leaves alot to be desired as far as archetecture goes. You could have Fred miller put in the barrel and RR channel and go from there, at least you'll not have any "built in " problems. Those kits just have the corners rounded off a little more than a's no great stretch to go to a blank from there.
Many years ago it was kits like these that drove me to stock guns from blanks, personally I find these "semi inlet" kits nothing but heart ache and sorrow. :cry:
To be real honest, you'd be far better off starting with a blank. That jeager kit leaves alot to be desired as far as archetecture goes. You could have Fred miller put in the barrel and RR channel and go from there, at least you'll not have any "built in " problems. Those kits just have the corners rounded off a little more than a's no great stretch to go to a blank from there.
Many years ago it was kits like these that drove me to stock guns from blanks, personally I find these "semi inlet" kits nothing but heart ache and sorrow. :cry:

EXACTLY !!!!!!!

Thankyou all for your suggestions and advice. I will contact TOTW to make enquiries and order a copy of the jaeger rifles book at the same time.
Do you have any info on the gun pictured above the TOW Jaeger? You may find an early type lock similar to the one you have the pic of at the Rifle Shoppe.
If you are speaking of the Shumway Jaeger book, I suggest you see it before you buy it. For me it was totally useless & I sold it imediately day after getting it. It is a copy of copy of copies of extremely poor photos of some unusual Jaeger rifles and I found only one rifle in the whole book that interested me at all. It was hard to believe they would publish such poor quality book of rifles. I suggest you see one before buying it.

If you are speaking of the Shumway Jaeger book, I suggest you see it before you buy it. For me it was totally useless & I sold it imediately day after getting it. It is a copy of copy of copies of extremely poor photos of some unusual Jaeger rifles and I found only one rifle in the whole book that interested me at all. It was hard to believe they would publish such poor quality book of rifles. I suggest you see one before buying it.


Birddog6, Are there any Jaeger books, that you would reccomend? Someday I would like to have one in a .69 cal.
I have yet to find a GOOD book on just Jaegers. Whenever I find a photo of a Jaeger that interest me I save the photo or article & use those for reference. Don't know of any book with allot of Jaegers avail. Sorry......

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