I'll just say that I bought a Jeager "kit" from TOTW and was not very happy with it. The lock inletting was not good, and there's no way you can ADD wood. There also did not seem to be any wood to work with left in the tang area. The fore-end seemed warped to me. I got very frustrated with it and sent it to a "real" rifle maker, who told me right off that the stock was not good, and the grain did not run right through the wrist...it would have been very weak when done, even without the other problems, so that had to be replaced. It's a .62 that I'll be loading for Elk and Bear, so it's going to have some kick. (I had already worked on the stock, so TOW would not take it back)
I was also told by someone who knows Jeagers, that the buttplate and trigger-guard in my kit were not "compatible" from a "PC" standpoint. Or would that be "HC", historically correct?
If I had it to do over again, I'd spend the extra $$ and just have a rifle built for me, or buy a finished rifle, even if I had to make monthly payments on it, before I'd buy another TOW kit. Between having a rifle maker finish it, and the cost of a new stock, I didn't save any money going with a TOW "kit". Or time...it will probably be a full year before it's finished. (got it last Christmas)
Or if money was that tight I'd get a TVM "in the white" weapon.