The way some of them centerfire hunters shoot, I'm more worried 'bout git'n hit by a "stray bullet" when lead'n my pack-critters, the stories of pack animals git'n shot ain't a real "confidence builder" so,.... thet's why I have HO on them and me both. :shocking: :m2c:
Unner neith my HO, I wear PC cloths,.... 'cause they jest "feel right" fer hunt'n with a traditional muzzleloader!! :thumbsup: :results:
This one's for you, Rollingb... :thumbsup:
And this one's for your critters... :thumbsup:
You know as well as I do how many late calves and elk get shot when they're mistaken for deer. Happens a lot out here unfortunately. Someones always trying to stretch the limits of their rifle gun. Got some idea's on the type of guns they are a using... ::