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"Traditional" hunting

Muzzleloading Forum

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The way some of them centerfire hunters shoot, I'm more worried 'bout git'n hit by a "stray bullet" when lead'n my pack-critters, the stories of pack animals git'n shot ain't a real "confidence builder" so,.... thet's why I have HO on them and me both. :shocking: :eek: :m2c:

Unner neith my HO, I wear PC cloths,.... 'cause they jest "feel right" fer hunt'n with a traditional muzzleloader!! :thumbsup: :results:

This one's for you, Rollingb... :thumbsup:

And this one's for your critters... :thumbsup:

You know as well as I do how many late calves and elk get shot when they're mistaken for deer. Happens a lot out here unfortunately. Someones always trying to stretch the limits of their rifle gun. Got some idea's on the type of guns they are a using... ::
Hunter orange is so the game law guys can see you! Has nothing to do with safty! Just one more big brother thing from your GOV.

I'm not so sure Charlie. I was hunting at Green Bottom today on the Ohio River it's the flattest piece of ground in WV. I heard a shot about a hundred yards away which got my attention real quick. I started looking in the direction I heard the shot hoping to see a deer.

I saw blaze orange through the brush and while I was looking at the hunter 80 to 90 yards away. I saw deer directly between us, not knowing if he saw me or not but with 2 deer between us I immediately stepped behind a huge tree for protection. I peeked around to see the deer moving to my left and out of line with the other hunter who didn't see me for the thick brush.

Once the deer moved enough out of line with him I shot the lead doe. If he had not had blaze orange on I might have sent a .490 round ball his way. And with all the thick brush it could've been knocked off course by a limb!

I hope to be able to dress as close as legally possible to pc. I use this cape to try and achieve this goal!



Although it might not pass in a juried event I feel it captures the spirit of traditional while remaining legal and SAFE!

Got some idea's on the type of guns they are a using... ::

Deffinitly "highpower centerfires" dur'n regular season,.... them "boys" need ta git out more "OFTEN" and git familiar with "what" an edible critter looks like!! :curse: :curse:

Traditional Hunting to me means hunting an animal for MEAT. And any horns it may carry on its head are just a party favor. Last season i had a "squirrel hunter" pop 9 rounds at me when i was in a 30 foot wide clearing and my coat w/ atteched hood are solid blaze orange.

and when i was getting shot at i had no time to cap and return fire so i just continued on my way at a very brisk pace. closest hit i remember was about 12 feet from me.
Careful rollingb, I know of an instance not to long ago a "hunter" in a trestand shot not one but two donkeys. :shake: I am not sure of the range but given this is a shotgun only area I'll but it was way less than 100 yards.
No idea what was going through that guys head. :youcrazy:
A friend who owns a farm watched a car stop along his pasture, two guys get out, load their rifles and climb his fence.. He started walking towards them as they low crawled towards his three Jersey cows out grazing near the back of the barn.

When he asked them what the :curse: they thought they were doing? They seemed surprised and told him they were stalking deer. He then explained those are cows you dumb :curse: and your trespassing....

When he told us the story we thought it was funny, but think what might have happened if he had not been home at the time or saw them.

We learned later that season a fellow from the big cities was arrested at a registration station trying to register a burro that some guy had rescued from out west through some program and was a pet more or less on his farm... Needless to say he was arrested. So yes, there are people out there that have no clue what they are doing. You would think they would have to pass a test of some sorts to get a license....
That story I told about 3 balls I didn't mean to imply that I'm a big believer in hunter orange, because I'm not. I'm a big believer in target identification. I don't believe in scopes on traditional muzzleloaders, but I do believe in carrying a pair of binoculars. Talking about stupid -- there's the story out here about the guy that tagged a shod mule for a elk. I don't know if that's true or not, but this one is. In my distant past I lived in Nevada. The day after the opening of deer season the local news paper had a story about the guy that shot this little girls pet white goat for a deer, and took it to the meat locker to be dressed out. The paper had a picture of the goat hanging in on a hook in the locker before it was skinned out. Hunter orange don't help stupid, these guys need to be sorted out of the gene pool.
Hey, I know a guy back home that shot his own horse in his own pasture one year-not the brightest kid in his class. At least he didn't take it to the locker...

This is the first year I have hunted with a ML and I tried to go as PC as possible. I have pants, shirt, waistcoat and capote. I don
"Hunter orange don't help stupid," :D

So many folks are SO worried they are going to go home empty-handed that they don't use good judgement sometimes! They are so worried their buddies are gonna raz them, that they "dream up" whatever it is they are supposed to be hunting.
Yeah, I believe he did pay for them. The ECO's got called by a third party the guy was going to pay the owner, who in turn wasn't turning him in, this was their original idea. Then the local officer got a tip from someone. He helped the hunter get his license revoked for a few years. :thumbsup: I beleive the donkeys were still paid for though. Would be an easy case to get restitution in court.
I believe the joke over that way the rest of the year was that the fire house was having an a$$ burger dinner. Sumthin like that.
Thanks fer tha reply,.... sounds like tha dumb hunter got his "just deserts" a$$ it were!! :crackup: :thumbsup:

Thanks fer tha reply,.... sounds like tha dumb hunter got his "just deserts" a$$ it were!! :crackup: :thumbsup:


Dumb hunter? Don't you wanna share the woods with him? :crackup: :crackup: