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- Sep 16, 2019
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Wow, great stories!Fantastic barrel' Wow ,'the Manton lock is plain Company style ,re sizes , I don't think their locks differ from Ordnance their where Carbine locks same style but shorter scale .Twigg & Nock where big names who made arms in quantity Because the E .I .Company paid up . The Fine Clent ell had fine guns but where notably poor payers (Joe Manton went bankrupt with these un paid book depts that and legal wranglings ).That lock might be John Manton who had a good head for business . I have David Harding's 4 volumes on the " Small arms of the United East India Company ' but you have the date it might render the size of Manton's Order but it isn't too relevant . Nice barrel that's what makes it . I knocked one up with an old barrel but Bakers Series lock' Ug Lee ' but an example if you really really want a pic Ile see if my daughter will take one ime not good at E gajets When in Cabool (old spelling but there just Wogs ' Oh 'Wogs 'is "Westernized Oriental Gentlemen ". viz 'Wogs' They may be' Tribesmen' Herat had an old mud fort said to be built by Alexander the Great forces most of Afghanistan was sun burnt rocks & rubbish .Was pleased to cross into Persia There in a neat Tent city we had to stop three days to ensure we didn't have Cholera , Suited us overlanders a coach that had taken a load of Japanese to Madras was coming back to UK empty the drivers said "The only sights we want to see are the White cliffs of Dover " he like us had to stay and a dozen or so of use availed of a ride .I was still frail from Blackwater fever up in Kathmandu for two months Suited me just fine one slept the other drove and we stopped just for a Karzy and food went through Tehra ran. Istanbul. & Vienna at night arrive Dover grey dawn Customs bod says "Anything to declare ?" No body said a Dicky bird . And that was up till we reach London( Ide hitched out to Karachi from Milan to Bombay on 16 pounds Ide had a rough trip in Turkey but Persia had cheap buses in 1966 so took the southern route into Baluchistan & a Steam Pilgrim ship Karachi to Bombay Deck passage. No border bod wanted onward or what funds we had Just play the' dirt encrusted Sahib .'Those were the days .
'Rambling Rudyard
I've not heard W O Gs in use for more than 50 years...last time was from Bob Ruark. He styled it as a Worthy Oriental Gentleman. Definitely a piece of spoken history now I suppose. The locals back then may have initially received it as a compliment but soon tired of it. Times have flown by - nowadays I sometimes feel my own bones fossilizing.