I'm working on my first kit (traditions kentucky rifle) and I'm fitting the parts to the stock everything seemed ok but the trigger is hitting the sear causing it not to latch. Has anyone. else seen this before with this kit?
Tom Knight said:Common problem with any build. Should be around 1/16" inch gap between sear bar & top of tgr. bar. If the plate of tgr, is flush to the stock bottom, where it's supposed to be as far as inleting goes--then take out the tgr. & file off a SMIDGE, maybe 1/32" or so (width of pencil line) assemble and try lock, does it cock yet ? file until 1/16" gap is there. good luck, go slow...Tom
Thats a great idea i'll try that firstBrownBear said:If the inlet for the trigger plate is too deep, here's an easy fix. Screw a small flathead brass screw into the inlet near the front and rear of the inlet without interfering with the holes for the mounting screws. Now adjust the depth (or height) of the brass screws so the plate is adjusted to the correct depth. Can't see the brass screws with the plate installed, and best of all, it's about a 5 minute fix. First thing I'd try before ever taking a file to the working parts.