Time of Impact.

thats a nice buck. thanks for sharingI was checking one of my lock-on stands and noticed the ground below the stand was completely torn up, dirt thrown everywhere, lots of bare patches of ground. I decided that two bucks must have had a knock down drag out fight there and wondered how big the bucks were.
I pulled the card on a camera I had facing a food plot very close to where the bucks were fighting. I had a picture of either the winner chasing off the loser or the loser being chased off by the winner. As you can see the buck in the picture has a recent wound to his leg.
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Though I prefer to hunt with 'primitive' equipment, A little tech to help me see what is going to be out there next season is nice too. Plus all the other stuff that shows up.
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ummm think its a deer. probably running and camera caught it while in mid stride. thats why its showing only the 2 legs. because legs on other side is in same position as the 2 legs on this side
Must be Standard Time...3:36PM and it's already pitch black out!!!Here’s a photo of “my” buck about a month prior to sharing the “good news” with him…..
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Think I'd sit back a ways and chuck rocks at the porch if that were my camp. Big kitty might be under there having a siesta. Awesome photo though.
Besides, you have to be a good shot to kill the small ones.Down here in the Ozarks that's eatin' size! A native Michigander who I used to work with down here used to rag me about the size of our deer. He called them 'poodles'. I said, "Well, it's the 'Quality' of the meat, LOL! Besides, I can drag one of these out without a Minneapolis Moline!
Coydog maybe? Tail is pretty skinny.I'm guessing mangey coyote.
I would just think backstraps and tacos. Mom would cut them loose one she goes in flux come November. I'm more of a meat hunter though.There will be some serious debate in my head 2 months from now if these three come walking by once archery season is under way. As of Sept. 15th, are the little ones okay without mom? This choice usually presents itself once a year or so. I usually let mom walk if the little ones have any signs of still having spots. With the fawn mortality rate so high here I want then to have every chance they possibly can of making it to adulthood.
He refused to sign the model release form.Why are you guys not sharing all your trail cam pictures of sasquatch?
lol. hahaha. dang thats so funny. im jealous. lolMy neighbor caught this one on his game camera a while back. I've seen some big bucks in my time, but this one is just nuts.
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dang. thats why i shoot them on sight.