Tried spanking some Flintlock Cinder Blocks.....( Muzzleloading Fun )

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I can never get enough of his posts! I watch them one after another!! then start akin!
Anyone remember real (original) cinder blocks? They were once very popular. They were made from the cinders left from burning coal. They were probably not as strong as the cement blocks we have today.
yes they were brownish / almost black looking and were very sharp to handle and would cut your fingers if you handled them with out gloves. and they were very porous! remember that was a point & period in time when were a waste not want nation!!!?
BLACK POWDER MANIC. you are my daily go too guy! please keep EM comming! you do things that we only wonder about and never do! and then you build a fire under us!!. I like the fact that you still shoot youer smooth bore fowler with out a front sight and not put it in the closet.! still shoot's pertly darn good! again keep EM COMMING my friend!
BLACK POWDER MANIC. you are my daily go too guy! please keep EM comming! you do things that we only wonder about and never do! and then you build a fire under us!!. I like the fact that you still shoot youer smooth bore fowler with out a front sight and not put it in the closet.! still shoot's pertly darn good! again keep EM COMMING my friend!
Well...thank you my friend. I have more wacky shooting videos of funny & weird stuff coming soon. Thanks for watching them....and...hurry up summertime! LOL
Neat video. I'm actually a bit surprised at that close range that even the lighter loads you started off with didn't go through both the front and the back. And that one right dead-center in the middle only put a dent in it? That block is tougher than I imagined it would be.

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