I know for some reading this I am beating a dead horse . . . but I am really thinking out loud. . dropping $825 on a kit is a big deal, and a risk if I get a crappy stock . . . and if my wife reads this, I'm also screwed.
But I being a novice. . . here's where I am. TVM Late Lancaster, Left Hand - in .32 with large siler lock, davis double set triggers and Rice Barrel. Not sure if its 36 or 42 inch barrel yet that I go with. I assume its 13/16th's . . . Melanie at TVM just informed me that I have a $75 extra charge for .32. . which didn't float my boat. . . no patch box. . .
Anything struck you all as odd about this set up? Don't want a chunky gun . . . large Siler is my only option in LH, I think with TVM. I'd prefer a slightly smaller lock like a Dickert or Durs Egg from L&R on this gun, but I could be all wet on that thought. . and I think Chambers locks may be a bit better than L&R from the high praise I hear about Chambers locks.
TVM's big selling point with me is that their components are good and they do a lot more work on their kits than others, making it easier for a newbie like me. . wanting a high quality squirrel rifle (not a new hobby building guns or a historical re-enactment piece )