Well folks....things didn't go that great. I'm as sick now as I was before the "procedure?"
The Dr.s drained 1400cc's of fluid from around my Left lung, unfortunately it doesn't seem to have helped much? I'm still sick to my stomach, short of breath and coughing like I have a respiratory disease, but my chest X-rays say I don't.
I have another "followup" in a month if I survive and don't cough myself to death before that?
They put me on another pill? They think this water pill might help stop the build up of any additional fluid? In a month they'll know.
I'm sorry to be such a whiner. I had hoped to be back to my old self and working for my customers again, long before this?
I WAS released to drive, but now I have no interest in driving. I was told I could return to work BUT..... Mrs. Two Feathers says I should hold off on that for another week. She's afraid of me being in my shop alone, I think I'm fine? I did manage to get 5 ball bags ready to dye and finish while working on our dining room table, so at least I'm ahead of the game there.
Well folks, I think that's about it? NOT the news I had hoped to give y'all.
I'll try to keep you updated the best that I can. Once I'm back to work or things improve greatly,, I'll let y'all know.
God bless:
Dave Two Feathers