Uberti -V- Pietta

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I own the 1861 Pietta and it is one of my favorite revolvers. Its a beauty, enjoy.

Don, my Pietta looks and feels like it were a 44 cal that is just down bored to 36 cal. much meat in the barrel and cylinder left so was wondering if the Uberti is also this 'heavy' a revolver?
I believe the Uberti has a shorter barrel 7.5 inches as opposed to the 8 inches the Pietta sports. Probably not a whole lot lighter.

aint no matter however! got it loaded and went over and shot six thru it and my what a wonderful shooter. this may well become my favorite too. its 5.5 inch barrel is balanced just rite and with 26 grains of GOEX cartridge it barks and belch's smoke n sparks just fine. along with being a very nice looking revolver it ...[at least for now]... shoots and acts like a peach.

am glad I took the chance on a Pietta. at least on this short barreled '61'. im going to like it very much and to think the price was more then good. Dixie came thru this time! :bow:
Tried an Uberti 1860 imported by Cimmaron. After all the hype of how much better they are.... it was rather shoddy. NOT well fitted AT ALL. I returned it.

Also had trouble with an Uberti Dragoon. I basically had to fit a new cylinder and cylinder stop to it.

I bought a Pietta 1860 through Cabela's after returning the Uberti, and though I have yet to shoot it, it is WAY better fitted than the Uberti was, and surprisingly well-done in its own right.

I have the hankerin' for a 51 Navy, and it will be the Pietta. :wink:

By the way, replacement parts for Pietta guns are generally WAY cheaper too, so you may wish to bear that in mind. Cabela's used to sell a replacement parts set for Pietta guns (I don't know if they still do or not) that is quite cheap.
Cimarron, Taylors and Cabelas are all importers. They put in their orders, cartons arrive at their distribution centers, and get forwarded directly to the retail buyer.

Any tales about how they individually unpack, disassemble and hand tune/fit your particular revolver before sending it on to you are pure fantasy. The fingerprints you see in the packing oil on your revolver are all Italians'.
I can't comment on the Uberti's ( other than to say their pricey) but I can say the Pietta's are a great gun for the money.
In the last six months I have bought four of their revolvers from Cabela's. The prices were good, service was good, product quality is good and the shooting fun factor is excellent!
Maybe if someone gave me a Uberti or one became available for a good price, I might try one.

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