United States Postal Service S**ks

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Ted Kennedy started all the shipping crap :curse:

Way off topic here but:

I was doing just fine until "Old Red Nosed Teddy K." was mentioned! :curse: :curse:

I'm sure there are those that love him though, he's been stuck to the senate longer than gum under the theater chair.

I'm really looking forward to a "Teddy K. Free America".
Of course the Dem's are already developing his clone. Her name is Hillary!
should have said the 4th amendment. I type faster than I think sometimes.
i guess i knew what you ment becouse i didnt even notice in my flurry to make my post
DO NOT send anything via the US Postal Service that you are unwilling to lose without being reimbursed. My friend recently sent a bad barrel to CVA, and the shipping tube arrived empty. It had been cut open, the barrel removed, and the tube resealed with USPS tape. :curse: He had it insured, but the Postal Service refused to reimburse him for some obscure bureaucratic reason. I can only hope that the bonehead who stole it tries to fire it...there were actual fractures in the barrel so maybe it will remove his hand. (Sometimes the Middle Easterners have a good idea.) UPS is nearly as bad. FedEx is far and away the best way to send valuables. :m2c:
My local FedEx guys never bat an eye. I label the box "musket" or "flintlock". Never tried sending a percussion lock anywhere, I might just try "muzzleloader" for that.

You could mark the box "INLINE" and they'll think its a pair of skates... :winking:
My local FedEx guys never bat an eye. I label the box "musket" or "flintlock". Never tried sending a percussion lock anywhere, I might just try "muzzleloader" for that.

You could mark the box "INLINE" and they'll think its a pair of skates... :winking:

Either that, or they'd all stand in line! :haha: