No reason to be emotionally drained. In your first comment I was under the assumption you had a handle on this and knew what you were doing. If gun building is something you want to do, well, take the time and learn it. A line from an Anthony Hopkins movie has always stuck with me. "What one man can do another man can do". There is no reason you can't at least try. But get some experience and practice carving a barrel channel or lock mortise.
I've "customized" lots of mass produced guns but have never built one from scratch. There is a brand spanking new .32 barrel laying on my desk now so I plan to do this on my own. Will probably pester several of the real builders on here, but I will get it done. Also planning on building a matchlock this winter from scratch. If they can do it, I can do it, and you can do it. I don't plan to be a gun builder professionally. Just want to build my own. And I know, as late in the game as I am, I'll never build as well as Brooks, Miller, or these other great artisans we have here. But dammit I'm gonna do it. The first step to doing anything is making your mind up you're gonna do it. I'm guessing you're a young guy. If so, it will serve you well to learn to leave emotions out of stuff. Will get ya every time. Good luck.