I worked for Galyan for a while in Mass. they had a good selection of shotguns both field and sporting, an excellent selection of small and large bore rifles(good ones Rem Brng Tikka benelli) and if you were unfortunate enough to open or close you got to put out or take in the 56 different pistols on display,into the safe every night,out in the morning. We had a fair selection of BP rifles and pistols too.Well,to make a long story short I back once after Dicks had bought it just to see what they were doing in firearms. There were a few old friends on the rack a franchi 20 O/U alcion that fit me so well I should have bought it,some (damn few) of the beretta O/U's that galyan used to stock a white wing and a 20 grade 4 and few 12's. I was told by the clerk that when galyans remnant stock was gone just the junk that dicks peddles would remain. No handguns at all,I can remember weeks we'd sell 30 or more.We dont have enough gunshops in Mass to begin with,Galyan coming in was a bright spot but it didn't last long.