Weirdest Animal You Ate

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OK Claude, I gotta ask about the sea urchin. What did it taste like? I saw a guy on TV cut one open with industrial shears, then pour out a fluid that looked like chunky motor oil. He then took a spoon and scooped out something gooey that looked like something out of a baby diaper -- a baby that had been eating A LOT of fruit. Now, I'm pretty brave and will try many things, but that just looked wrong.
"Don't eat Ladybugs, they taste like they smell"

I've never smelled ladybugs and I think it'd take an awful lot of them to be worth eating.

I forgot on my list that I've had grubs (didn't taste em, just swallowed quick). Also had crickets, snails and sashimi (my wife thinks that it's bait).
Mr. Crossfire,
Have also had the privilege of eating Sea Urchin; 33 years ago or so. Had its own unique flavor as I recall. It was served in a hodge-podge of other seafood.
Perhaps Mr. Claude can elaborate?
Best Wishes
Crossfire said:
OK Claude, I gotta ask about the sea urchin. What did it taste like? I saw a guy on TV cut one open with industrial shears, then pour out a fluid that looked like chunky motor oil. He then took a spoon and scooped out something gooey that looked like something out of a baby diaper -- a baby that had been eating A LOT of fruit. Now, I'm pretty brave and will try many things, but that just looked wrong.

That pretty much describes it. :haha:

It was like eating something rotten - fishy and rotten. The sushi chef almost laughed when I ordered it. He would probably never eat it himself, but watched with glee as I tried it.
I will certainly agree,sea urchin, is not for
everyone.But,neither are oysters,anchoevies or any
number of other sea foods for some folks.Some are
even allergic and suffer badly from eating such
things as shrimp&lobster&crab. I have never had
a problem eating anything from the sea. Of everything my passion is oysters.Raw,fried,stewed,
Rocky Mtn oysters should not be tough - it's a matter of cooking them right. They're quite a bit of fussy work.

Had skunk once; didn't notice it had much flavor of its own - it was burried in mushrooms (yum) and other flavors. Maybe that's the best way to have it :confused: ?

There's lots of stuff out there that's edible and but not necessarily palatable. Would like to try cat someday. Those that have had it say it's very good.
Mr. Soaring Spirit,
Have enjoyed Cat but found it to be a bit on the "stringy" side. Not as tender or tasty as Dog.
Best Wishes
I'm a fan of Sea Urchin sushi. It's served raw over a rice cake. It's brown and has the consistency of snot, but I like the taste. Much better than ladybugs. :grin:
Trench said:
Saw someone listed raw cicada. I've had the pleasure of having a life one myself. Now that is A LOT of bug! Not only do you get a meal, it quenches your thirst with all those bug juices.
I've eaten a lot of insects, and to many people, that tops the list of weird things to least in the US.

P.S. Don't eat ladybugs. They taste like they smell.

The cicadas I had were the smaller periodic locust, not the big bug-eyed green critters. Ladybug's blood (say that 3x fast) is copper based, not iron based, so it tastes like you say. Nothing in nature eats ladybugs intentionally more than once!
Ladybug's blood, Ladybug's blood, Ladybug's blood. There, I did it, now can somebody help me untie my fingers. :shake: :rotf:
I guess I'll get in on this.

I've eaten Guinea pig served in a soup.

I've eaten iguana and chicken feet. The weren't served together.

I ate squid in it's ink served over spagetti.

Once I had chicken soup that was served with the head.

Abalone is good, like most seafood.

Old Salt
Ditto to many of the above - those that walked or flew, but only a few that swam.

But the "weirdest" animal that I can recall was that "mystery meat" served in the High School lunchroom! :barf:

Growing up in a small town farming area of Iowa, it SHOULD HAVE BEEN beef/pork/chicken/turkey! But that's often as close as we could guess! :confused:

The winner of the "guess what's for lunch" pool was often the one who didn't turn green before PE class (during PE class didn't count), and usually guessed "some sort of beef". (That old camp/comedy movie stole that line!) :barf:

Mikey - yee ol' grumpy German blacksmith out in the Hinterlands

p.s. Once (and only once) some of them Norskies that live around here talked me into trying ... lutefisk!!!! The best I could say is that the Butter it was swimming in was pretty good! Although, them Norskies I was with told me that this batch was a really good batch of lutefisk. I asked how they could tell, and they couldn't answer that question. I guess it's all a matter of ... acquired taste. :youcrazy:
Bucktale, Now I'm curious, what part did you eat. That has to be the closest to pre-historic table fare anyone could eat. I use to see alot of them on the beaches and remember them being all shell and legs.
I've eaten them at a few cookouts.
First they have to be bled out.(blue blood, BTW) There is a piece of meat at the very front of the shell between the eyes. There is also some meat in the tail area as well as a bit in the legs.
Because of their size, they were boiled in a large pot over an outdoor burner.
Trench said:
I'm a fan of Sea Urchin sushi. It's served raw over a rice cake. It's brown and has the consistency of snot, but I like the taste. Much better than ladybugs. :grin:

I throw Sea-Urchins out of my Lobster Traps by the Handfulls....You could have a real picnic there. :wink:
lets see the weirdest thing ive ever et ?well i used to drink a little shine here and there .ok i drank alot of shine .a buddy dared to to eat a whole frog so we fetched one from the creek ,i salted it and et it still kicking this also qualifies as the worst tasting thing i ever et !!!kind of a cross between old fish ,copper ,and pond scum .
I think I ate cat one time. We tried a new Chinese carry out and the dinner had a meat in it that wasn't chicken, pork, beef, or lobster. It smelled funny too.

I've learned to never order anything at a Chinese carry out that has a frisbee in it's mouth.
youse guys are loco :youcrazy: all these nice fat 'possums running around and you eat such things as urchins? :haha:
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