What do you take to camp

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Nov 25, 2010
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So your hunting with a group of non traditional hunters. What one item or meal would you bring? Ships biscuits? Salted pork?
Beer.... :grin:

All joking aside...I start all my fires with flint and steel when camping...
It tends to impress the gas can, old tire and torch crowd.. :grin:
Although there are many variables in this situation...a solid choice in my book is salami and cheese. Conversation starter, mid-day snack, maybe someone needs something small to soak up last nights cocktails. Endless possibilities.

Plus, it's incredibly easy to being along in the hunting bag. Everyone wins.
:surrender: Ok Ok I see I need to narrow this down a bit.... [strike]What one item or meal would you bring?[/strike]

What one Historical item or meal would you bring? 15 year old scotch is NOT Historical :nono: nor is PBR I don't care if your grand dad DID drink it.
I can make a killer French onion soupfrom all dried food and never met any 'modren folk' that turned up a nose to it. Served with some sort of dutch oven bread its a hardy meal.
I carry much of my basic set, fire kit, first aid and smoking kit afield at any time. Few are the great white hunters who would not enjoy apple pie.
French onion soup and apple pie.... :grin: Yummmmm
Good one Tenn :thumbsup:

Will you post the soup recipe?

Oops....forgot the bread.. :thumbsup:
Campfire bread is Da Bomb... :)
2oz dried cocked sheaded beef, 2oz dried mushrooms, 2 cubes beef bollion, dried spices, garlic, pepper,rosemary and basil. onion. When Im cooking in a soldered tin or copper pot I cant saute the onion and 2 oz of dried onion works wellhere. If I have a skillit I like to use fresh onion.
In butter or bacon grease saute sliced onion till some rings are browning, and most are translucent. While thats going on soak the mushrooms in water in your pot. Remove the mushrooms when the onions are done and add them to the water in the pot put that on to boil. Ad some more grease or butter to your skillit and saute the mushrooms, just until a few in the pan are starting to turn brown. Add those to your onion water.Add the bollion and the beef and alow to simmer for about a half an hour then add the spices. Youwant to be light on the water as you dont want it too soupy. Have some hard chease such as parmasan or sharp provolone ready sliced thin. Pour your soup in a bowl and top with the chease to serve. I dont eat bread any more but used to make drop biskets with this Corn bread might clash with this but fry bread would go well. I dont know how old fry bread is...but I dont know if our biskets were made in the old days either. If you wanted to be real fancy you could make this farily thick and then bake in a pasty bowl...but thats way too much work for me in camp.
Want to impress and delight?
Roast a Buffalo tongue, Beef tongue will work.
Just a basic roast recipe will work and you'll be surprised how good it actually is.
They didn't decimate the buffalo herds just for their tongue for no reason.
It'd be a gun of some influence, however, as this is a food thread I guess Bubble and Squeak. Our recipe is one net lb. each of cabbage, apples, onions and bacon. You can figure out the order in which to add these to a pot and cook 'em all into a delicious stew. SOOO good.
Alden said:
It'd be a gun of some influence, however, as this is a food thread I guess Bubble and Squeak. Our recipe is one net lb. each of cabbage, apples, onions and bacon. You can figure out the order in which to add these to a pot and cook 'em all into a delicious stew. SOOO good.

:hmm: Sounds like I have been adding to much cabbage & to little onion and apple. It's the poor Irish in me :idunno: if you find out there are extra people coming to dinner, you just chop up half a head of cabbage add it plus one potato per extra person, to whatever your making and your golden. :thumbsup:

Ok, ok if they are coming to breakfast and your having pancakes it doesn't work so well, but otherwise :grin:
It would depend on how far from civilization we were but I would a bring scrip. of pain killers just in case someone got hurt and we were out of cell phone range. The pain of a broke leg or arm is something I or anyone else shouldn't have to deal with if your a good ways from a hospital, say 4 hours plus. Other than that I would bring a big pot of beef stew with your Dutch Oven bread to sop up the gravy.