Here in CO, we have Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Black Bear, Mountain Goat, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Bighorn Sheep, Mountain Lion and Pronghorn Antelope in the big game dept. Small game we have Blue Grouse, Jackrabbits, Cottontails, Snowshoe Hare, pheasant, dove, squirrels (Aberts, Pine and Fox squirrels), Marmot, Bobcat, Beaver, Pine Martin, Skunk, Crows, Coyotes, Ground Squirrels (Wyoming ground squirrels), Fox, Turkey, Ptarmigan... Probably missed a few too.
All of the above can be hunted with ML in their respective seasons. Getting a tag for either of the Sheep or a goat requires applying many times to build up preference points. I'm getting close on a sheep tag!!
Mostly the Deer, Elk and Antelope are the primary species of interest to local and out of state hunters including myself.
We are starting to see some feral pigs in the south east corner of the state along the Arkansas river. There are some exotics running loose in some parts of the state and are more or less shoot on sight if on public land, but not many are seen.