What Is The Down Side.....?

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To Hunt Is To Live
Apr 11, 2022
Reaction score
DEEP South East USA
What is the down side of firing a patched round ball in a barrel with 1:24 inch twist rate?
Obviously that rate is to stabilize an unpatched conical.
But what are the negatives to be expected if you try a patched round ball?
I know we aren’t supposed to talk about certain guns on here but I’ll tell you this to hopefully answer your question. I have used my traditional load of 50 grains 2f under a patched .490 round ball in a .50 caliber modern rifle with a fast twist rate. It shot a cloverleaf hole at 50 yards. Shooting a patched round ball in a fast twist rate works fine if you figure out what load your gun likes.
Generally, the faster twist with a PRB would require lower velocities to fully engage the barrels rifling, thus effecting spin/accuracy. However, factors such as rifling depth, design, fit(tightness) of the PLR etc. can influence this effect. As stated, the best way to find out is to test your particular rifle. I have 1:48TW rifles that shoot PRB’s as well as my 1:66TW rifles at comparable velocity.
Deep rifling in a fast twist is always a help when shooting prb. Also tighter loads help the prb from skipping (stripping) and not engaging the rifling. Your rifle could easily turn out to be a tack driver with prb and the right load.
Accuracy suffers with a fast rate of twist. I have a Great Plains Hunter 1:32. If you're not concerned about finishing 1st every time when competition shooting, 1:28 will be fine and you can still hit a 4bit coin at 50yds W/PRB 1 out of three shots. At least that's what I get with 65 GR of BP at club matches. If your hunting shouldn't matter.
I acquired a Jukar 45 cal with a fast twist in percussion, for $165. As far as I am concerned it is a worthless piece and should be called a “JUNKAR”. Round ball 0.440 with a 0.18 patch at 45 gr FFF shot from a bench we all over the place. It is now in a cardboard box. I wont give it the respect of a quality wool gun sock or a name.
I know we aren’t supposed to talk about certain guns on here but I’ll tell you this to hopefully answer your question. I have used my traditional load of 50 grains 2f under a patched .490 round ball in a .50 caliber modern rifle with a fast twist rate. It shot a cloverleaf hole at 50 yards. Shooting a patched round ball in a fast twist rate works fine if you figure out what load your gun likes.

I saw a 54 fast twist rifle shoot quite accurately with a prb over 90 grains of ff. This by a new shooter who just didn't know any better. 😂

I don't think you can over stabilize a ball, striping the rifling would be the biggest concern with too fast a twist.

I've seen this reference to stripping the rifling for many years. Not saying it doesn't happen but as far as I know there's never been a definitive test that proves that it happens.

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