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Well its done! Well Kinda, I didn't stain the patch to match, I just finish sanded the thing and put 3 coats (so far) of Boiled Linseed Oil on it. I will do more work to it at a later time. I still have to put a toe plate on it also. Now if it shoots straight it will do just fine for the woods. I have to be honest I kinda like the way the patch piece sticks out like a sore thumb. Range report upcoming. Is it weird that I hope it doesn't shoot well so I can have it punched to a .54? My luck it will drive tacks.


I went and shot the ole Mountain rifle this morning. It was consistently shooting just to the right of point of aim. So I'll need to drift the front sight a tad. I didn't do it because I forgot my whacker and brass punch. Anyway, this rifle has a tight bore, it preferred a .010" patch with the .490 ball. The first group I shot was 60grs 3F Grafs, .015 ticking patch, and ball. Elevation was good but it was shooting about 3" right of the point of aim and it put down a big ole 6" group. So I shot that same group again to verify, again a 6" group. I had a talk with her and I said, "Ok Raggedy Ann (Thats the name I gave it, as she was Raggedy when I got it) clearly you do not like that load, what would you like, more juice or more squeeze?" I decided to give her a little more juice and a tad less squeeze. I bumped the charge to 70 grs FFFg and a .010 patch. AHH YES, that was much better a 2.5" group still just right of POA. I also swabbed once between shots. I'll get back to the range and work some more on load work up and zero. But this old bird is gonna be just fine. These are pretty nice rifles and the lock and triggers are pretty sweet. I can see why they are so sought after. Fun little project but I gotta get on to the swish boomer now.

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