What kind of lube?

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I'm using 60 gns Goex FFg with T/c 350 maxi hunter out of a 50 cal Lyman Deerstalker. I use to use Hornady Great Plains 385, but it got to expensive to shot. So now I make my own with a mold I bought off e-bay. With the T/C bullets and 60 gns I get a 3 shots in a 1.5 inch group. But I have to dirty the barrel first. And after two shots I have to swab the barrel. I was hoping to have time before ML deer season to try a different lube, but with the results I'm getting I guess t/c bore butter will do.
Have you tried shooting a patched round ball out of it? It may surprise you with the accuracy, be easier to load after a few shots, and is plenty for deer. Also, if you don't want to use round balls, which are cheaper by the way, try a lubed overpowder wad under the bullets. May help both with the fouling and improve accuracy.
I am with rebel. Why owuld anyone need anything more than a .50 cal. round ball to kill a deer? These are thin skinned animals, with very thin, light ribs, and vertebrae, and any kind of broadside shot will penetrate the animal completely, even if you do strike bone. In fact, I like to pick my shots so my PRB breaks a leg going in or out of the chest area, so I don't have to track the deer very far.
FallingCrows said:
I'm using 60 gns Goex FFg with T/c 350 maxi hunter out of a 50 cal Lyman Deerstalker. I use to use Hornady Great Plains 385, but it got to expensive to shot. So now I make my own with a mold I bought off e-bay. With the T/C bullets and 60 gns I get a 3 shots in a 1.5 inch group. But I have to dirty the barrel first. And after two shots I have to swab the barrel. I was hoping to have time before ML deer season to try a different lube, but with the results I'm getting I guess t/c bore butter will do.
Oh, OK...assumed you were shooting patched balls.
Might want to try an Oxyoke wonderwad under the conical to get some more lube in the bore
roundball said:
I shoot range sessions every Saturday morning with 50grns Goex 3F, and Oxyoke or TC precut patches prelubed with Natural Lube 1000, no wiping between 50 shots at[url] all...in[/url] the dry low humidity months of winter I used to melt more NL1000 into the patches using the microwave, but found it's easier to just use the liquid Hoppes No9 Plus during Dec/Jan/Feb...

For the life of me, I can;t figure out how you manage to 50 rounds without having to run cleaning patches down the bore. :bow: I'm lucky if I can go 8 rounds, before loading requires way too much effort (as in break out the brass ramrod and pound the ball home)
I shoot 75 grains, 3fg, .490 ball with a .10 pre-lubed t/c patches. I dab a bit of bore butter on the patch before ramming and like I said before, after the first 8 rounds, I have to clean due to fouling....*sigh*
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You can make your own lube.theres some good recipes out there.For conicals somethin like 50/50 beeswax and lard or what ever.Stumpys moose snot might work good.Seems thick enough maybe for a conical lube.the cator oil in it is slicker than snot.Moose snot that is :haha: What the heck was that recipe?you can type moose snot in the search and find it.Id do it but im just too darn lazy :haha:
GeorgeC said:
roundball said:
I shoot range sessions every Saturday morning with 50grns Goex 3F, and Oxyoke or TC precut patches prelubed with Natural Lube 1000, no wiping between 50 shots at[url] all...in[/url] the dry low humidity months of winter I used to melt more NL1000 into the patches using the microwave, but found it's easier to just use the liquid Hoppes No9 Plus during Dec/Jan/Feb...

For the life of me, I can;t figure out how you manage to 50 rounds without having to run cleaning patches down the bore. :bow: I'm lucky if I can go 8 rounds, before loading requires way too much effort (as in break out the brass ramrod and pound the ball home)
I shoot 75 grains, 3fg, .490 ball with a .10 pre-lubed t/c patches. I dab a bit of bore butter on the patch before ramming and like I said before, after the first 8 rounds, I have to clean due to fouling....*sigh*
I've noticed a few things over the years that I assume may enter into it:

1) The only bore lube I use is Natural Lube 1000;

2) I'm using 50grns Goex 3F, you're using 75grns...50% more powder has to make more fouling;

3) You're using a .010" patch which holds almost no lube and I use .015-.018" patches which hold 50-75% more lube;

4) You're thin patch may be allowing a lot more blowby & fouling than my tight fitting patches;

5) Your thin patches may not be scrubbing/wiping the bore as clean as my thicker tight fitting patches every time I seat a ball;

6) Humidity plays a huge role...maybe it's more humid here in central North Carolina than it is where you are;

7) I shoot a 50 shot range session very[url] fast...in[/url] about an hour or an hour & 15 minutes...not much more than a shot a minute...all charges are premeasured in 35mm film canisters and I don't load from a bag...on the other hand, if several minutes are allowed to pass between shots fouling has a chance to dry out, get hard, etc...which is why I switch to the liquid Hoppes in the dry winter months so I can continue to shoot without wiping;

Maybe some others can jump in and think of some possible differences too...but I've always been one who likes to shoot any firearm a lot, and I hate wasting time making all the extra ramrod strokes wiping between shoots...I'm currently experimenting with/sighting in a new .62cal Flint smoothbore and when sighting in for hunting, I always clean the barrel between shots to simulate the first shot hunting from a clean cold barrel...and it's been driving my crazy the past couple weekends :grin:
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roundball said:
I3) You're using a .010" patch which holds almost no lube and I use .015-.018" patches which hold 50-75% more lube;

So let me see if I have this right, you are using a .490 ball and .15-.18 patch along with NL or Hoppes depending on season?
GeorgeC said:
roundball said:
I3) You're using a .010" patch which holds almost no lube and I use .015-.018" patches which hold 50-75% more lube;

So let me see if I have this right, you are using a .490 ball and .15-.18 patch along with NL or Hoppes depending on season?
.440s for .45cal - 40grns Goex 3F targets
.490s for .50cal - 50grns Goex 3F targets
.530s for .54cal - 60grns Goex 3F targets
.570s for .58cal

.018" TC prelubed pillow ticking for best accuracy for both targets and hunting;

.015" Oxyoke prelubed cotton for weekend plinking cans & steel
(because I stumbled across a couple thousand of them for $2/100 a couple years ago :grin:)
You see it the way I do, that's why I've been using GO-JO creme hand cleaner as patch lube, cleaner and wipe down. It does prevent surface rust.
bigben said:
Just wondering what kind of lube do most of you use.How many shots between cleaning ao you get with the lube you are using.
I use Hoppes #9 Plus Black Powder Solvent And Patch Lube. As a patch lube, it aids in ease of loading, and after collecting fired patches, (.018" Pillow Ticking) I find no blown, or burnt out patches. I now wipe the bore about every five shots when target shooting, hunting loads of FFG, and less frequently when shooting FFFG target loads. All loads genuine Goex Black Powder, of course. :thumbsup:
So what do you like to use for patch lube? BTW I shoot a double PRB hunting, 70 gr. 3f under felt wad lubed with GO-JO and then the PRB's.
do you melt the go jo into patches or just wipe it on???does it penetrate the patches???
Dump the powder in then place a felt wad in the barrel. Put a dollop of GO-JO atop then run the pad atop the powder, then the PRB (patch lubed with GO-JO). I do soak some felt pads (make mine using a punch and Durofelt) in GO-JO to take hunting. Also some patches, I use material from my old US Navy whites trousers that I now know why I kept! It's tight weave, very tough material I've compared it to pillow ticking and it's every bit as stout.
I take a tube full of GO-JO afield with me when I'm footin' it and gonna be out camping.. I use the tubes that hikers and backpackers use to put jelly/honey and so forth in, the bottom is held shut by a split pin after you load it. It's real good to clean with in the field. :v
I've recently switched over to Stumpkiller's Moose Snot. I haven't used it enough to give a report, yet. Hope to soon.

Hey Rebel,

After the ML Deer season I'm planning to give the the patch and ball a try.

- FallingCrows