Oh my gawd - we are married to the same woman…ripped open the ups package containing my new "FLINTLOCK FOWLERS". read the preface, forward and the introduction before the slavedriver caught up to me. "my brother is coming with his new wife" says she." the lawn needs trimmed and mowed " says she.
"but it's lightening and thunder storming out there" says I. " Thats 50 mile off!" says she.
just finished the dang lawn. left about 3 quarts of blood with the vampires. they are terrible this year.
I love it! Nice work!Finished a powder horn with one of my boys! First one we have made!
will pray that it stays static.Spent most of today looking carefully at things which are dear to me. Wife. Dog. Cats. Home. Garden. View. Firearms. Knives. Hawks. Books. Pictures.
Injections in both eyes yesterday for ARMD. Things are, thank You Lord, stable.
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