Worked some more on my Kibler colonial rifle kit. I am old and slow and have to remember not to try to change that rythym.
I remember seeing that for sale. Thats a nice full stock. I really like the full stock look. Congrats.How about now? Forum member Gangreen ... his first build some time back from Track of the Wolf kit I think. Dale BTW: His pictures from ad
Are you using flint or chert in the lock?Made a loading block for my Kibler. Packed my shooting pouch and haversack for a day in the woods 18th century style with my son. Squirrel season starts tomorrow here in Kentucky. Going to do some hunting then cook some deer meat on the fire.
Flint and take a look at this @ord sgt I just got done making the hammer I need to try and make some gun flints from the English Flint you sent me. I got everything packed up to take to my land. I'll post some pics if I have any success.Are you using flint or chert in the lock?
Mind showing some pics of your gun Flint knapping technique?did some carving on a horn. then knapped a dozen or so flints. would have had more if i could stop trying to knap an Obsidian knife!
anybody want a hand full of half knives?
finally got around to fixing the break in my mortimer stock . Again. hogged it out, doubled rodded it and screwed it into submission.
stripped the finish and found the wrist section of the stock is sap wood. surprised Pedersoli would use it.
found a blank/plank and am going to whittle a new stock. hopefully before this one breaks again.
Looks good and a video would be great. I made a few today. My little chipping hammer works great but getting a nice blade off of the nodule is not easy. Tested one out on my Kibler and it sparks nicely.Technique! Technique? I don't got no stinking technique
seriously though I will try today to video it. i tried the other day with my phone, but it maxed out the memory because i had 3k or more pictures on the thing. had no idea i had so many. some from 2018 when i was forced by the grand hi pubah to get the dang phone!
mostly i find a likely looking shard and Ishi stick it into submission.
made these yesterday between splitting firewood and waiting for lunch. lunch was slow coming!View attachment 90830
i will dress the edges as i use them or if they are too wide or long.
this georgetown chert has lots of concrete in it. makes it hard to sharpen sometimes