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What Organizations are Promoting Traditional Muzzleloading

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I've been a member of a small NMLRA affiliated muzzle loading club in CT for years. There are few groups in the entire state and I was happy to find one. It's next to Deep River, the original home of CVA.
I would have to agree with Crackstock that our club might not even exist without the NMLRA insurance. The club holds monthly shots and places free ads to draw interest. And the shoot rules are usually PRB's with open sights. A few guys are into rhondys & camps. No one forces any members to do or shoot anything that they don't choose to. While I don't personally belong to the NMLRA, a token portion of our club dues does help support it.
Members have marched in parades, collected toys for tots, welcomed non-members to shoots, and provided shooting guidance and moral support to anyone who asks. I've seen our club's web site articles posted world wide including on MLF.
Mostly though, the club tries to struggle to simply survive with dwindling finances and membership.
In general, I think that belonging to a club with a national affiliation is not much different than donating to any church, charity or paying taxes. The members/donors rarely agree 100% with every policy or dollar spent or could care less to know. Yet in the most practical ways, we do try to preserve muzzle loading interests as a matter of club purpose and survival.
When a club survives, muzzle loading lives on! :thumbsup:
[url] http://www.ctmuzzleloaders.com/pmlabout.html[/url]
[url] http://www.ctmuzzleloaders.com/index.html[/url]
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I recently joined the NMLRA after speaking with a member. I've heard very good things about the organization and I enjoy the magazine. To me any organization, national or local that supports firearms should be supported if not by joining by encouraging other's to get involved.

If they are all fighting for the preservation of firearms be it ML, modern rifle/pistol, I'm all for it. It's disappointing to read how an organization is put down because they don't subscribe to ones particular interests. I may not subscribe to the individual organizations mission statements but I look at the bigger picture.

Bottom line if the an organization is pro-gun, pro-hunting and doesn't try to kill other like minded organizations then more power to them.

In addition to NMLRA, I'm a member of SASS (Single Action Shooting Society), Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Pheasants Forever, LEAA (Law Enforcement Alliance of America), FOP (Fraternal Order of Police), and a life member of the NRA. Hopefully with all the organizations out here, our hunting, shooting heritage will be around for my great great great grand kids. Take care all and keep up the fight to preserve your right to bear arms! :thumbsup:
As to traditional Muzzleloading?
I belong to a National organization called (FCF) Frontier Camping Fellowship. Which is apart of and Christian Uniformed Boys Camping Program called Royal Rangers. Similar to the BSA. FCF is an offical off-branch of this program to keep boys interested about the outdoors, camping and, traditional pioneer life. We are national, with over 150, 000 thousand Rangers statewide, and in over 48 contries. FCF is for 12 years olds and up and you must have a shooters card through the NRA to load and shoot Blackpowder rifles. We also have merits for rifle safety, 22 cal, shooting, tomahawk throws, National Daisy BB gun competition. The list goes on and on. To join FCF merits badges must be met, such as trapping and snares, dutch oven cooking, knots and lashing, hide tanning ect. ect. We do let others boys not in FCF shoot but instructors load the guns for them at the gun range.
The FCF is PRE-1840's only and we camp, dress, and live this lifestyle in our own village amoung the uniformed boys campers. They can come to our campgrounds at certain times of the day and trade, visit,
As do I. I wonder who provides you with training, insurance and certification in doing this.

I was not confrontational. I simply returned the same line of logic to the person who initiated the challenging tone and you decided to become offended for some reason that still escapes me.

Let me put this simply, I respect hard work and results rather than ideas and complaints. Show me your accomplishments and I will give you the credibility that you earn. So far, the silence is deafening.

Aslo my offer to join is and was genuine -- provided something actually begins.

I did nothing to stop him (or you) from expressing an opinion. Excuse me if I express mine and you do not like it. Also please read the entire thread to see read where the "Attitude" originated before demeaning me.

That's okay brother, we'll defend your gun rights and further the interests of the hobby while you slack off. :snore:

Gentlemen, the fact that I tossed out a question does not make me an enemy. I am far from anything like your enemy. I think that you are too easily confused by those of us who have a similar concept, but see a different method of achieving that concept.

Ok, I am a lazy slacker that does nothing to help promote our sport. Statements like that will get a lot of people turned around on your side! If joining you is the right thing to do, in this case I will gladly be wrong! Your arguments so far just pushed me even father away from any of the presnt groups, but is does sound like you fit quite well. I hope you are happy and all goes well for you.
In-your-face attitudes are so boring and unproductive.

Crackstock, I agree with your viewpoints completely.
I am saddened by the venom in my brother who cannot be chided without nursing serious rancor. You do seem to relish this anger. I was attempting to prod you back into the fold -- much was not nearly as serious as you chose to read into it.

I wish to go back to the begining of my participation in this discussion, back to the part where it was still an enjoyable and meaningful activity and there I will depart from it:

Most of the truly primitive shooting activities that I have seen were the result of local clubs with NMLRA affiliation.

The NRA sponsors the Youth Hunter Education Challenge which has a ML element and most shoot sidelocks. The Royal Rangers, Boy Scouts and 4H also have shooting programs, but MLs are only an option rather than a mandatory element. These types of programs are how we bring our young into the sports and if we do not support these and bend them toward primitive or at least lend some exposure to the primitive, then we lose.

The Wild Turkey Federation sponsors a youth day event each spring which is an opportunity to promote our type of shooting. My old ML club always set up a shooting opportunity for the youngsters to make a few rounds of smoke. We sat up late running ball and cutting patches. The club put up the powder.

If we want a primitively focused program, we must build upon a foundation and make it happen. We need someone to supply certification for our instructors. That means the NRA or the NMLRA and I choose both. We must then participate in these organizations to become credible and trusted members of them which pains me not at all. They are good people too -- after all, they are shooters too!

Go forth and do good things.

I could'nt agree with you more brother. I'm also a life member of the NRA. I'm also a member of the CCRKBA, the 2'nd Ammendment Foundation, and the NMLRA.

Every member of this forum is either a shooter or hunter or both. The organizations I just mentioned are promoting our passion. Why not support them?

United we stand, diveded we fall!!
The Pattagaussett "experiments" are legendary at this point.

Regards, sse

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