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What Organizations are Promoting Traditional Muzzleloading

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Lets try to keep this THREAD on the Original Subject. As I would like to see who is doing what????

akapennypincher said:
I am asking a question, and it is : “What Organizations are Promoting Traditional Muzzleloading”

At Your Local Level :confused:

At Your state Level :confused:

and at the National Level :confused:

Several years ago Mel Gibson made the Movie: The Patriot, and there was a renewed interest in Traditional Muzzleloading, Flintlock Rifles, and the Period of U.S. History Pre & Post Revolutionary War. But the interest faded fast.

If you know of any Organization, group, or Club that is making an effort to promoted Traditional muzzleloading shoot, Traditional Muzzleloading Hunting, etc.

Please state the Name of the Group, Club, or Organization, and also STATE HOW THEY are doing the Promotion.
charcloth said:
We do a rendezvous for about 300-400 Boy Scouts each year...
I'd like to hear more about that charcloth. I had another BSA rendezvous (in CA, I think) bookmarked-lost the hard drive :cursing:


I don't know if you've checked us out, but the TMA is pretty new, and we're still in the process of figuring out how best to promote traditional muzzleloading. If you have any ideas, please stop over and share.

TMA Charter Member #20
TMA MN State Rep

Our 760 acre permanent club site is about 1.5 hrs from Sacramento and two hours from Reno. Closest cities would be Marysville and Yuba City and Grass Valley.

charcloth said:

Our 760 acre permanent club site is about 1.5 hrs from Sacramento and two hours from Reno. Closest cities would be Marysville and Yuba City and Grass Valley.


Very Cool are as I know that are well.
I belong to a local gun club called Old Hickory Long Guns. We are about 35 strong at this point. We are one of many guilds in a historical society located in the southern tier of New York State. We hold monthly meetings and shoots. We also conduct a Rendezvous the first weekend of every June which is well advertized in many newspapers that cover about 3 counties. On a state level, we are affiliated with the New York State Muzzleoading Association.
Well CrackStock explain to me what "NMLRA affiliation" does for a club. Beside being a SOURCE for Liability Insurance...

As you made the statement I ask you to back that up with some facts..

Most of the truly primitive shooting activities that I have seen were the result of local clubs with NMLRA affiliation.

You seem confused, but I can make a member's pitch regarding what I know about the NMLRA of which I am happily an annual member.

I was a member (and years later, Vice President) of a muzzleloading club that I found through an ad in MuzzleBlasts. We supported and support the NMLRA fully.

We ordered targets and other items from the NMLRA and got ideas from them as we communicated with some of them at times.

My old club in Louisiana was listed in MuzzleBlasts and still is which helped us gain new members.

We did get the club liability insurance through them.

All of our instructors were certified through the NMLRA which gave us credibilty when scoring targets or running the competitions. Having these certified instructors placed us within certain protections from liability under state law. It also gave us access to a great state range for the price of running a public range one weekend per month. This provided us with a place to shoot at no further cost. We held our monthly shoots there for many years and still do.

Because we were certified, we were asked to assist with the YHEC and Jakes events each year where we placed promotional material for our club and the NMLRA. We enjoyed those opportunities.

We all got a free magazine for paying a minor fee to support our ML sport.

We hosted the state tournaments and in the past, we hosted the Territorials which were sometimes advertised in MuzzleBlasts.

Also, I was discussing my personal experiences in this. I travel and move fairly often, I have located shooting ranges, shooters, stores and clubs through the NMLRA's listing of clubs, state reps and events.

You might note that a lot of what we got were opportunities to serve and promote our sport rather than looking for opportunities to leach off of a national organization.

My return question is why any muzzleloader shooter would not support an organization that promotes our sport? If you are not happy with it, get involved and evolve it with your guidance and direction.

Another is, aside from whining about what the NMLRA does or does not do, what do YOU do to promote the ML shooting sports that can compare with what the NMLRA does for us?

CrackStock said:
Another is, aside from whining about what the NMLRA does or does not do, what do YOU do to promote the ML shooting sports that can compare with what the NMLRA does for us?

Is it really fair to ask an individual to compare themselves to a national organization? :shake:

And, a person should be able to critisize an organization without it's members getting their feelings hurt. They're the ones who make these talks personal. Please try to seperate yourself from the things you belong to. They are not one and the same. Time and time again, Runner has said, "if it works for you, fine", but you still have to go on the defensive. It's not necessary.
Sorry...but I don't buy that..not one bit. I believe if one belongs to an organization...they are part of it. As such I would also and do get upset if someone keeps dunning the organization. If one did not get upset..they why would they belong to it? By the same token..criticizing is one thing..repeated criticizing is well...the person doing that is not one I would really take a lot of stock in as to what they say.
oomcurt said:
Sorry...but I don't buy that..not one bit. I believe if one belongs to an organization...they are part of it. As such I would also and do get upset if someone keeps dunning the organization. If one did not get upset..they why would they belong to it? By the same token..criticizing is one thing..repeated criticizing is well...the person doing that is not one I would really take a lot of stock in as to what they say.

Should we blame you for everything the Colorado government does, just because you're a resident. NO. Does that mean you should either fix everything wrong with the state or move? NO Can you have a discenting opinion? YES.

Just because someone doesn't want to join and fix every organization that exists, that doesn;t mean they can't complain bout them.

It's okay to complain about a song on the radio without becomng a song writer. Only a child would suggest, "Well, then you write one." Good God!
As a Side note a couple of time a year, just before Hunting Season we have a few customers come to the range were I R/O who shoot Traditional ML’ers.

Almost ever time someone shows up with a Flinter. Black Smoke & Sparks draw a few of the curios over to watch the Shooter of the Flinter.

This I think has sold a couple on buying Lyman Great Plains Flinters for the Enjoyment of Hunting with MORE Traditional Firearms.

Also I have seen more than a few switch from Inlines, to More Traditional Muzzleloaders to go on their next hunting trip with. :winking:
Is it really fair to ask an individual to compare themselves to a national organization?

When one only offers jabs and complaints without offering anything material, YES. Why not? I am within the rules in doing so and believe it to be a valid approach.

And, a person should be able to critisize an organization without it's members getting their feelings hurt.

You incorrectly assess my emotions here. There is no emotion to this aside from the fact that PP was taking a very authoritarian attitude in this thread hence my use of red and bold which was calculated to highlight that point. I am also within my rights to ridicule an attitude which offers nothing but scorn for those doing the works without having laid any foundation for offering anything beneficial.

They're the ones who make these talks personal.

Again, your incorrect assessment. Read the whole thread. I have no emotional interest in the NMLRA or other organizations. My interest is purely practical in that these groups are only valuable if they are useful. PP has not seen the good works or just wants to deny them as some people do when they choose to not be satisfied with anything offered by those who perform the good works. I am challenging him to put up or shut up after his taking a rather challenging tone to my earlier comments made that what I had experienced of primitive shooting revolved around a NMLRA structure. If he can offer anything aside from whining, I am all ears. If not, I have no interest aside from challenging him or someone else to do better or leave the protectors and promoters of our interests alone.

I also think that there are some people who want the NMLRA to ride into town and set them up with an organization. They merely provide a structure, communication and certification process for you to work around. The rest is up to you. As a rugged individualist and an American, I ask or expect no more. I am no socialist who expects things handed to me without earning them.

Please try to seperate yourself from the things you belong to.

How do you determine that I did not do so? You are simply wrong in this belief. Please try to read the words rather than imagine that you can read between the lines.

Is it not the earned right of people who actually work for a goal to look askance at the idle whiners who belatedly show up and offer no successful works but take the opportunity to whine and impair the work?

PP, you have the opportunity to prove me wrong.
I challenge again. What meaningful asset(s) do you provide for protecting or promoting our shooting sports and rights aside from whining about those who have put forth time and treasure to do it? If you offer such a grand scheme or structure, I might join in, but the last time I was in Arizona, the only ML range that I saw belonged to the NMLRA.

Like my mother use to say Actions, Speak one H**l of a lots louder than words, or promises.

Is it really so hard to have your own words turned around on the two of you? I guess so since the silence on this point is deafening...

Your answer is simply a perfect example of why the organization is dying. They will not listen to anyone that doesn't pat them on the back and agree with them.
Runner said:
Your answer is simply a perfect example of why the organization is dying. They will not listen to anyone that doesn't pat them on the back and agree with them.

Think part of the NMLRA Mentality is if you have not been to, go to, or live your life for the (2) Friendship National Shoots Annually you are out of the Main Loop.
Interesting premise, but I have never attended any of these shoots. (I know where the Arizona range is because I worked in Mesa for a time. I was shooting at the range just North of that one. If you know the area, then you know what I mean.)

Also, if what is wrong with the NMLRA is that I object with people taking potshots while offering nothing helpful, well so be it. I often state that I would prefer a more traditionally oriented organization. I just think that it is more productive to work from within a structure.

But as I have pointed out, you guys are great at whining, but offer nothing beyond that. Lay your organizational plan before us so we can support your new organization. I join just about all of them anyway, so consider yourself as having your first member applicant...

Me, I am not interested in any organization now in place. I teach people to use traditional guns when I can. I have been beaten in competition by a guy I had never met shooting my gun because his first gun broke. I try to help as I can. That changes nothing of the problems with the current organizations that have been mentioned, and your confrontive turn around questions do nothing to excuse your rudeness and inability to allow someone else to have ideas and thoughts of their own. You are a prime example of exactly why there is no organization I am interested in. Mongrel said it best. If I have to go thru all this, I will walk and face my enemies alone.
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Certainly one can criticize anything one wants to. However a organization being criticized that someone belongs to...kind of natural for that person to get a bit huffy. You mentioned the government...well...I was in the military for years...someone criticizes it...you bet I will get upset. Someone critizes the US...and keeps on about it...I will get very upset. Someone once said "One has to stand for something or one will fall for anything." Basically...my view is if one belongs to something...dang it defend it or get out of it.
oomcurt said:
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. Certainly one can criticize anything one wants to. However a organization being criticized that someone belongs to...kind of natural for that person to get a bit huffy. You mentioned the government...well...I was in the military for years...someone criticizes it...you bet I will get upset. Someone critizes the US...and keeps on about it...I will get very upset. Someone once said "One has to stand for something or one will fall for anything." Basically...my view is if one belongs to something...dang it defend it or get out of it.

Very well said. I can't argue with that. :thumbsup:
Basically...my view is if one belongs to something...dang it defend it or get out of it.
In that spirit, I would add that everything Runner said about the TMA, and those associated with it, is a bunch of horse hockey!

Regards, sse
Runner said:
Just the simple truth.

Bob ("Runner"),.... the simple truth is, you were banned from the TMA website a few months ago, and you have a "vendetta" aginst some of the TMA Board of Directors.


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