What patch lube should I use for my patches?

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There is no relationship between the Moose Milk recipe I suggest using to DAMPEN the between shot WUPE and the recipe for the "Dry Patch mix ure .
Two entirely different things altogether

I use bear grease, other times I use good old spit both are all natural and work great and spit is free!
Nit Wit
dan101955 said:
I use t/c bore butter. Want to change but not sure what I should use?


Bore Butter is good stuff but if you want to change, as you can see, there are about a ga-zillion different greases, oils and mixtures for the perfect patch lube. You can't go wrong listening to Dutch's advice but whatever you use, just make sure that it is a natural and non-petroleum based lube. With the possible exception of Ballistol, petroleum based lubes can make a nasty gooey mess in your bore.
Nottice the total lack of agreement? Try lots of stuff and see what you like. Olive oil, crisco, neatsfoot, mink oil, ballistol, spit, it all works. None is clearly superior. Have fun.
ONE should be clearly superior. Find it and stock up on it and always use it. Each rifle likes its own particular patch lube on its own particular patch :v
I don't know anyone that has tried all the lubes....
A person usually stops looking when they find a lube that suits their needs...This is not to be confused with "when" a person starts looking....
Everyone has different needs and preferences....
Lube recipes are like Sonic slush flavors....unlimited. I stopped (this time) with Dutchs dry patch system. When yer gettin 2" groups at 90 yds I say yer bout done (i compete only against myself)
OK---As I am a newbie, what are the ingredients for Dutch's patch lube? THANKS!! shades88
1 Shot of Water Soluble Oil
1 Shot of Lestoil or Pinesol
2 shots of Hydrogen peroxide 3%
20 shots of water

in winter 2 shots of alcohol

smear this concoction evenly on some patch strips then press out the excess with semi firm fingers, between fore finger and thumb be careful to be even, you want all the pach strips to have the exact same amount of lubricant on them after they dry
leave on a pan to dry if you hang them they become uneven in distribution of the moose milk

cut patches as needed from these strips

edit to add: Goes to the papers...yep got the recipe right
As stated above, many shooters use different formulas, and are happy with it.

I wouldn't argue with any of them.

As for my humble self, I have settled on Mr. Flintlocks after trying many formulas and products. Results are good and there is definitely less fouling during shooting sessions.

I also field clean my bore with the stuff before packing up.

I understand it is a reincarnation of the old Lehigh Valley formula.

I would love to try some bear grease sometime though :wink:

Sorry Cynthialee...I didn't mean this as a direct response to you...just to the thread as general. Hit the wrong button and couldn't figure out how to undo it.
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Soaponafied tall oil( Dresinateâ„¢ TX tall oil soap is a free flowing solid, fully saponified sodium soap of tall oil. It is designed mainly as an emulsifier promoting detergent or cleaning activity, particularly in highly built industrial metal cleaners.)

pine or citrus oil
My favorite patch lube is GoJo hand cleaner. i smear it on the patches before loading at the range. Stuff works well for me. It's a good bore cleaner too.