What size round ball are yall using in your kibler 20 ga Fowler?

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I know all were under 60 grains and tried several types of powder, they were all about the same to be honest. 40 yards is my average range. I need to spend some more time with it.
I ended up with the .600 mold because it was cheap and readily available, track of the wolf has the same Lee mold but In .595 for less than $40 I believe. mine will mainly be used for shot but it is fun to shoot ball out of and seems pretty accurate. I’d love to see what it would do with a rear sight. I took my first flintlock deer with a 20ga French fusil many years ago in a snow storm, I was hooked on flintlocks after that.
I got mine for Turkey and small game but I’m sure I’ll be tempted to use it for a deer at some point.
Hoping to get started on it in a couple months. Sitting there in the box calling my name.
I might pick up a .595 mold with my next track order since the mold isn’t much more than a bag of round balls. I’m considering getting a very basic rear sight and dovetailing it in, I’ll have to figure out how much barrel thickness is there to work with. Have any of yall installed one on your kibler fowler?
I recommend you glue the rear sight to your Kibler barrel first and try it at the range. It will keep you from regretting filing a dovetail if you decide the sight didn't help accuracy much if any at all.
I recommend you glue the rear sight to your Kibler barrel first and try it at the range. It will keep you from regretting filing a dovetail if you decide the sight didn't help accuracy much if any at all.
I put one of Tom A Hawk's folding peep sight on mine.
My 20ga TVM Fowler barrel mics at .615 I have 2 different loads for prb. 60gr 2F goex .600rb .015 pillow ticking and with .595rb .017-.019 pillow ticking. Don’t shoot much paper but if I do my part the steel rings on woods walks.

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