For many years I have hunted near my property boundary hedgerow where it connects to an agricultural field. The field either has wheat, or soybeans, or corn, or only grass and next to the agricultural field is a Christmas tree farm the deer use for bedding. So, my watching spot is a prime location. The other side of the field is a thin strip of grass and swale about thirty yard wide that is private land and that also borders mine. About 4 years ago I met the land owner ( at that time ) and obtained permission to hunt our shared boundary.
Two years ago I was watching my boundary line where it meets with the thin strip and after several minutes I noticed a figure in orange heading my way. He approached and asked who I was. I answered and said I had permission from the owner to hunt this area. He informed rather rudely that he was now the owner. I said OK, do you mind if I hunt this corner. He replied "Yes I mind". "You just chased away a deer I was watching".
Now...his elevated blind is 680 yards away on the edge of the Ag field
I said, "Well, OK I'll just watch my side of the boundary" and I turned 180 degrees away from his strip. He said, "Then I'll just watch my side" and continued to stand about ten feet away from me facing the other way. After a few minutes, I decided this stand-off was rather childish, said "Have a nice day" and departed to an alternate location.
This year I have been hunting this general area with bow, crossbow and now rifles. On Wednesday I was sitting in the hedgerow in a location some yards away from the other land owners strip, with my .50 Lancaster across my knees and facing my own land. I hear voice behind me through the hedgerow and turn to see the xxs hole is back again. He says, "You're in my shooting lane." "I might shoot you". Again, his elevated blind is 680 yards away confirmed by my range finder and Google Earth. I was irritated after our first encounter and this time I'm pissed off. I said, "Well, don't shoot this way!" He said, "This is my effing land! I said, "And, this is my effing land and you're the same guy that bothered me two years ago." He said, "You don't even live here." "You're a city guy, I can tell." ( I'm not a city guy but the comment was irrelevant. ) I believe his concern has nothing to do with my safety but rather he is offended by my presence. I said, "Go back to your tower and leave me the hell alone". He matched away, muttering, swearing and calling me unflattering names, 680 long yards back to his stand location.
I have been mulling over whether I should document a harassment complaint. What would you do?
Two years ago I was watching my boundary line where it meets with the thin strip and after several minutes I noticed a figure in orange heading my way. He approached and asked who I was. I answered and said I had permission from the owner to hunt this area. He informed rather rudely that he was now the owner. I said OK, do you mind if I hunt this corner. He replied "Yes I mind". "You just chased away a deer I was watching".
Now...his elevated blind is 680 yards away on the edge of the Ag field
I said, "Well, OK I'll just watch my side of the boundary" and I turned 180 degrees away from his strip. He said, "Then I'll just watch my side" and continued to stand about ten feet away from me facing the other way. After a few minutes, I decided this stand-off was rather childish, said "Have a nice day" and departed to an alternate location.
This year I have been hunting this general area with bow, crossbow and now rifles. On Wednesday I was sitting in the hedgerow in a location some yards away from the other land owners strip, with my .50 Lancaster across my knees and facing my own land. I hear voice behind me through the hedgerow and turn to see the xxs hole is back again. He says, "You're in my shooting lane." "I might shoot you". Again, his elevated blind is 680 yards away confirmed by my range finder and Google Earth. I was irritated after our first encounter and this time I'm pissed off. I said, "Well, don't shoot this way!" He said, "This is my effing land! I said, "And, this is my effing land and you're the same guy that bothered me two years ago." He said, "You don't even live here." "You're a city guy, I can tell." ( I'm not a city guy but the comment was irrelevant. ) I believe his concern has nothing to do with my safety but rather he is offended by my presence. I said, "Go back to your tower and leave me the hell alone". He matched away, muttering, swearing and calling me unflattering names, 680 long yards back to his stand location.
I have been mulling over whether I should document a harassment complaint. What would you do?