Looking for a good rifle for my rather petite GF/soon-to-be-wife. Thinking something she could take a deer with. TC Seneca? TC Cherokee?
I'm thinking .45 caliber.
There a lot of questions to consider, your question is very open ended.
1. Budget
2. Style of rifle, it's hers and she needs to pick it out
3. Single trigger or double trigger
4. Way of hunting, stand/blind or walking
5. Weight of rifle (can she hold yours to offhand shoot)
6. Length of barrel, blind or walking in brush
7. State restrictions on caliber
8. Length of pull needed
9. Size of deer, 90 lbs. or 250 lbs.
I would let her handle your rifles to see what she can handle and is comfortable with. You might enlist some of your friends and let her handle their rifles.
If it's going to be hers, she needs to make the decision on what "she" gets, it will mean more to her. I would not rush into the decision.
TC Seneca/TC Cherokee come to mind for a good starting place.