I had at one time a rack and then some full of MLers that I built, but seeing they were rarely shot, sold all except three. At first it was "painful", but being a product of the "Great Depression" and having been attuned to adverse conditions in my early childhood and beyond, took it in stride and never looked back. Afterall, that is the American way?
What I'd like to build is "the perfect LR" from a blank, if that's at all possible....not from an aesthetic aspect { I'm not an artist}, but from simple, mechanical perfection....perfect inletting, perfect shaping and above all, a perfect design.
That's my goal on the present and last build and will this goal be achieved? Have to be optimistic, so will say "yes", but then reality sets in and kinda "lowers the bar a bit"....but this in no way is a deterrent from "my goal".
My "wish list" was saturated many years ago and therefore for many years, building was much more attractive than "owning" and still is, but those who aspire to own "guns of my dreams", my hat's off to you....Fred