What's it worth?

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"liability"??? :haha: I have nothing for anyone to take from me in a lawsuit. Neither will I live in fear of lawyers. :wink:
Well that's a good point. I never thought of it that way. :hmm: I will test them first. (Besides that a good excuse to tell my wife so I can get out to the range :wink: )
When the spec MLer is complete but "in the white", a very stiff load is shot twice....this is only functional and my guns are not sighted in. Technically the gun is then "used" if that makes any difference at all...because the gun is sold as new.....Fred
This is a little off the subject but I figured out a long time ago that building modern cartridge rifles is pretty much just for the fun of it. I don't build them intending to sell but when I do sell I usually end up getting the money back on the gun but very little for my work.
As a purchaser of MLs, I've bought nicely done rifles that were used but in good condition for less than the cost of the parts needed to build it.
I suspect that about covers it ... it's a rare builder who can actually make a decent living doing this ...

economics: the 'dismal science.'