A flint lock is an older lock mechanism, its more of a challenge to master, and to shoot well. It puts a lot more Joy in the Successful Hunt, than I got using a Percussion rifle. Not to say that using a Percussion MLer is not WAY above hunting with center fire rifles-- The CF guys are slack jawed when they see you come out of the woods dragging a deer and holding any MLer in the other. But, wait until you see the reaction- from both CF hunters, and Percussion rifle hunters-- when the gun you use is a FLINT LOCK! The Pride of the hunt remains the rest of your life.
That is Not important to lots of people- see all the guys who "buy in" to MLing Deer seasons with the Cheapest Zip Gun they can buy that qualifies as a "muzzleloader". Synthetic stocks, of modern shape, round Stainless steel barrels, shotgun primers, synthetic substitute powders, modern plastic sabots, and copper jacketed pistol bullets, scope sights- the list goes on.
Even sadder is the fact that when you are on a range, sighting in your traditional flintlock, with its iron sights, and shoot better groups than they can with their scopes, et al., these same guys pack up and run away in a snit. I would rather they come over and ask questions about my gun, how I get it to fire, and how I get such accuracy with it. I would be more than happy to give them an opportunity to shoot my gun, and then help them get their guns zeroed for their hunt. :surrender: :hmm:
Right now I still shoot a DBL percussion shotgun when bird hunting. If someone ever markets a DBL flintlock shotgun at a price that won't require me to rob a bank, I will probably buy it, and begin to use flintlocks exclusively. The most common question I get about flintlocks, from both percussion and CF shooters is, " DO you ever get a misfire with that gun?" ["yes, but the fun of using these is the challenge of making that happen very rarely."
The Percussion shotgun still gets enough comments from Modern gun shooters both in the field, and at the trap and skeet ranges to make it still fun to shoot. And, there is absolutely Nothing wrong with hunting with a percussion rifle or shotgun.